
Letter: Protect God’s creation

Gary Varvel’s statements regarding man not being able to destroy the climate because God would not allow it is putting way too much of a burden on God for the failures of man.

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Letter: Faith doesn’t justify climate devastation

A naive belief that God will act in the 11th hour to reverse human-caused damage allows the so-called faithful to remain complacent and to continue “business as usual” in the irresponsible exploitation of Earth’s resources.

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Letter: Knowing when to let others lead

The phenomenal growth of modern Indianapolis is a direct result of people putting aside their differences and working in concert for the common good. Our city has prospered for many reasons, but perhaps none more so than our gift for generational and impactful leadership. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that many of these fathers […]

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James Glass: For news, books and retail, a trip back in time

I recently visited London for 16 days. It had been 39 years since my last visit, so I was prepared for some changes. What surprised me the most were ways in which the daily lives of Londoners and Americans have diverged since 1980, particularly in the last two decades.

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Letter: No place for red herring in White House

The president argues that he will be denied due process if he cannot “confront” this whistle-blower. This is a real attempt at a diversion, akin to his claiming a denial of due process if he could not “confront” jurors while they deliberate a criminal case against him.

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Editorial: Better late than never on smoking age

House Speaker Brian Bosma and Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray said at a Nov. 18 panel discussion convened by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce that they will support legislation raising the smoking age.
That’s welcome news in the face of estimates that more than 90% of adult smokers start as teenagers.

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Letter: No more excuses, delays on vaping

Between 2012 and 2018, usage among Indiana high school students increased 387% and nearly as much among middle schoolers. The results have been life-threatening illnesses and deaths.

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