Letter: Are GOP moderates on verge of extinction?
Most county officials in southern Indiana as well as non-urban legislators are Republicans. But those Republicans are not like the Republicans of the past.
Most county officials in southern Indiana as well as non-urban legislators are Republicans. But those Republicans are not like the Republicans of the past.
Some of us fear the Democratic candidate’s positions on a number of issues, both foreign and domestic. However, I believe the long-term damage Trump would do our democratic republic form of government is more worrisome than policy differences.
Let’s face it. A vote for Trump is a vote for a man we suspected four years ago would not be worthy of our trust. The only difference now is that we know for certain that Trump is not worthy of our trust. We cannot plead ignorance.
Humility and boldness will be simultaneously required to overcome the reality we face. It is now our generation’s time to step forward with bold ideas for our region and the humility to work together to accomplish them. Our ambitions must be exclusively focused on the ideas that will allow our region to reach its potential.
Serious misperceptions about COVID-19 have undoubtedly helped drive the anxiety and even panic.
Being a B Corp is now at the core of Bohlsen Group’s operations. Not a single decision is made without considering the ethos of what it means to the triple bottom line: people, planet and profit.
For Indy’s employers—large and small—to remain strong, they need a working environment in which the most innovative ideas and strongest strategies emerge, and we believe for most firms, that’s tough to accomplish in a remote work environment.
Giving constructive feedback that focuses on employees’ goals and helps them do better work—and be better people—is imperative, especially during this pandemic, and allows each employee to thrive.
Tools like Zoom, WebEx and Google Drive have enabled businesses to stay afloat during the pandemic, but for many, remote work really isn’t sustainable. Unproductive virtual meetings, the desire for interaction and the immense benefits of a traditional office are steadfast.
My child, our children, were forever changed by a school shooting in Noblesville, and our representative chose lobby over common sense. No thank you.
Psychologists agree: Humans detest uncertainty. We’ll go to great lengths to avoid it—even choosing a known bad outcome over an unknown but possibly good one.
Even before the pandemic, there were efforts afoot, such as TechPoint’s partnership with TMap, to identify people with an Indiana connection who work outside the state but might be willing to return. We’ve used this space before to encourage such programs, but now there’s a new urgency to making such appeals, and not just to people who already have local ties.
The monument of Thomas A. Hendricks (1819-1885) on the south lawn of the state capitol should go. A state legislator, U.S. representative, senator, Indiana governor and finally vice president, Hendricks was a white supremacist and is not worthy to be honored today.
Too few dollars in circulation results in unemployment; too many dollars causes inflation. So, the only issue is whether and how much the government should add to (or subtract from) the money supply in order to achieve low inflation and full employment (in other words run a deficit or a surplus).
Recent newspaper reports suggest that the quality of care in HHC’s nursing homes is low. The fact is that HHC’s nursing facilities provide extraordinarily high-quality care to their residents.
The Most Favored Nation pricing model is an intensely misguided policy. Its foreign price controls would not only depress crucial medical innovation but would also harm small businesses in the process.
When you contract away your flexibility and your authority to make decisions that are responsive to unforeseen events, you can end up owing a lot of money to the private vendor.
In the past 80-plus years, however, credit unions have grown substantially in size and scope, bearing little resemblance to their forebears. Their current clientele often are affluent, and field-of-membership requirements have been stretched beyond recognition.
As past chairs of the Eskenazi Health Foundation (formerly the Wishard Memorial Foundation) we are in a unique position to set the record straight regarding Matt Gutwein. Matt has done as much or more for the Indianapolis community as any person we know and he deserves the thanks and appreciation of the community.
My office is encouraging registered, Marion County voters to vote by absentee ballot. Voting by mail ensures your safety and simultaneously helps flatten demand on the election system ahead of Election Day.