
Letter: Justice center is boondoggle

Spending well over a half-billion dollars on the Community Justice Campus, now under construction in the Twin Aire neighborhood, represents fiscal recklessness at its finest by Mayor Joe Hogsett and the Democrat-controlled City-County Council.

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Editorial: Be bold, Mayor Hogsett, in your second term

Hogsett has set the table to tackle both problems by balancing the city’s budget during his first term. It’s time to use that fiscal stability to more aggressively attack the problems that keep Indianapolis from growing and achieving at the same level as some of its peers.

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Letter: MacAllister knew how to compromise

I was honored to become P.E.’s friend. He would mock me given my alleged liberal political views in the same fashion that I would laughingly forgive him for his Republican dedication.

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LETTERS: Downtown needs action now

As the private nonprofit focused solely on downtown’s economic success, vitality and livability, we concur with IBJ’s position referencing the vexing challenges of our inner core.

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