EDITORIAL: Make mail-in voting available to all Hoosier voters this fall
In a pandemic, we don’t want people waiting in line to cast votes in person—just like we don’t want them crowded together anyplace else.
In a pandemic, we don’t want people waiting in line to cast votes in person—just like we don’t want them crowded together anyplace else.
Americans’ economic battles are being fought between ideologues who have convinced themselves that their favored economic system is “the” answer to every problem.
Stereotypical stories about poverty and welfare that cast aid recipients as lazy and entitled tend to emerge like clockwork during election cycles.
The project still faces hurdles—including that Kite must line up financing. But we’re pleased that such a splashy project with so much potential upside is off the drawing board and on its way toward becoming reality.
What we knew before the pandemic, but now understand in new and meaningful ways, is the importance of partnerships, many of which have been nurtured over the span of years. Collaboration among all stakeholders and most importantly schools, will be essential in order to “reopen” Indiana’s schools and support our workforce economy in the most efficient and effective way.
I want you to know—especially people of color—that we hear you. We join you in the fight against racial injustice, and we are committed to doing the work required to advance the health and well-being of all people.
The temporary closing of the REC in April was a difficult decision reached by a team of dedicated public health officials informed by the best science at the time and motivated by only one imperative: as configured, can the REC operate without increasing the likelihood that our homeless neighbors struggling with addiction and the dedicated REC staff will contract COVID?
Rather than a bailout from the federal government, what Indiana hemp farmers and small-business owners need is for the federal government to classify cannabidiol as a food additive or supplement.
Our society already relies on the internet for education, jobs and personal needs, yet 666,000 people in Indiana live without access to high-speed internet.
I am a frequent reader of Curt Smith’s columns and enjoy his perspectives on matters which are important to our community. With respect to his July 10 Forefront column, “Three voices worth hearing in fight to stop violence,” I respectfully disagree with his choice of Curtis Hill as one of those voices. The point about […]
Considerations about whether students should be in school are about far more than just whether it’s the best learning environment.
Debating mask wearing as a matter of individual liberty largely misses the boat.
Debt elimination is a beautiful thing. From paying off student loans to making your last mortgage payment, getting rid of monthly debt obligations is undoubtedly an accomplishment worth acknowledging and celebrating.
So far, however, Myers’ campaign hasn’t generated much excitement. He hasn’t connected with Black voters, who are crucial to his chances of winning.
This moment in America calls for a deliberate effort to acknowledge the historical record, atone for past racist abuses and heal our national conscience.
You see, during the 23 years I’ve worked in nature conservation, I’ve never seen a Black family by themselves enjoying a stand-alone nature preserve, one that wasn’t part of a state or local park.
The questions America should be asking are: How do we fight this virus while remaining true to our liberty society? How do we learn about this virus from others, but beat it in a wholly American way?
As more patients reschedule their surgeries that were postponed due to COVID-19, it is crucial we provide them addiction-free options to manage their pain.
The interview process could be mostly, or entirely, virtual—even if the job itself isn’t slated to be. Standard interview advice still applies: Dress professionally, ask smart questions and so on. But you should also adopt a few new best practices.
In 2016, the Environmental Protection Agency included a pathway for bio-intermediates in its proposed rulemaking, but this rule has yet to be finalized.