
Marc MCaleavey & Sara Beanblossom: Why after school care is essential to reopening Indiana’s schools

What we knew before the pandemic, but now understand in new and meaningful ways, is the importance of partnerships, many of which have been nurtured over the span of years. Collaboration among all stakeholders and most importantly schools, will be essential in order to “reopen” Indiana’s schools and support our workforce economy in the most efficient and effective way.

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Letter: Community is committed to Reuben Center

The temporary closing of the REC in April was a difficult decision reached by a team of dedicated public health officials informed by the best science at the time and motivated by only one imperative: as configured, can the REC operate without increasing the likelihood that our homeless neighbors struggling with addiction and the dedicated REC staff will contract COVID?

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LETTER: Hill is no role model

I am a frequent reader of Curt Smith’s columns and enjoy his perspectives on matters which are important to our community. With respect to his July 10 Forefront column, “Three voices worth hearing in fight to stop violence,” I respectfully disagree with his choice of Curtis Hill as one of those voices. The point about […]

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