
Letter: 5G installation by surprise

Imagine returning from work one day to find a 5G tower pole has been erected in the right-of-way at the front (not the corner) of your property. That is what happened to me in Fountain Square.

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Abbey Chambers: Inclusive growth in Indianapolis … will we mess it up?

I hear residents in places like the near-east side and near-northwest side express worry that money and power will take their neighborhoods away from them through the facade of urban revitalization “for the common good” that is actually composed of—whether intentionally or not—top-down structures and processes that exclude more than they include.

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Letter: The challenge of vacant groceries

While we understand Kroger’s decision to consolidate the number of its stores, we nonetheless are extremely concerned with what might end up at the intersection of 86th Street and Ditch Road.

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Samantha Julka: Want real answers? Talk to people

I’m a formally trained researcher specializing in qualitative research. What that means, and how the job is different from other types of researchers, fills many a book. In the following few hundred words, I’m not going to bother talking about the nuances of researchers because, well, boring. Instead, I’m going to talk about an approach […]

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Letter: Eliminate gun-free zones

Gun-free zones are considered to be “soft targets.” Deranged shooters are attracted to them because they will be able to get their 15 minutes of fame before they are stopped.

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