
Growing ENT market attracts Cook

Bloomington-based Cook Medical announced a new division to capitalize on the growing market for minimally invasive procedures to fix problems in ears, noses and throats, as well as other maladies of the head and neck.

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Cummins cools off, but Seymour expansion still in works

Cummins Inc.—a company that quadrupled its profits in two years—has shifted to cost-cutting mode amid a drop in global sales, but the Columbus-based engine manufacturer says it’s still on track to increase sales from $18 billion in 2011 to $30 billion in 2015.

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Daniels expected to find new cash for Purdue as president

Colleagues of Gov. Mitch Daniels say Hoosiers should expect him to bring a familiar approach to his upcoming role at Purdue University: Do more with less, reward performance, find creative ways to tap new pools of money, and use warm folksy charm.

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Biomet gives ortho industry hope

The skies got a little brighter for the orthopedic industry on Friday after Warsaw-based Biomet Inc. reported strong quarterly sales growth of 3.4 percent. That news sparked a small surge in the stock prices of two other Warsaw-based orthopedics companies.

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Richmond eyes ex-auto supplier site for tech park

Officials will be seeking approval from the eastern Indiana city's Redevelopment Commission to use money from a $5 million state technology park grant to buy 14 acres and two buildings that once belonged to Dana Corp.

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Shipwreck treasure on display at Children’s Museum

Indiana University divers searching the site of a 1725 shipwreck found the booty and other artifacts including musket balls and ceramics. The discovery was introduced to the public Tuesday at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.

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Work delayed on new Purdue engineering hall

University officials overseeing plans for the $38 million Wang Hall of Electrical and Computer Engineering had hoped to start construction in early May but now say a September start is likely.

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Orthopedic startups attracting big money

The Warsaw area is well-known as the home of gigantic orthopedic implant companies and their suppliers. But now a handful of startups have been able to raise nearly $25 million in equity investments despite the recession—putting a bit more fuel into a fairly stagnant entrepreneurial sector.

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Columbus ends private use of city-owned cars

Officials are putting the brakes on personal use of city-owned vehicles as part of an effort Mayor Kristen Brown says will save the city thousands and send a message about fiscal responsibility to taxpayers.

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