
Allergan, Pfizer call off proposed record $160B merger

The biggest U.S.-based drugmaker, Pfizer Inc., will stay put thanks to aggressive new Treasury Department rules that succeeded in blocking Pfizer from acquiring rival Allergan and moving to Ireland—on paper—to reduce its tax bill.

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Eli Lilly headquarters

Lilly angles for arthritis blockbuster

Within six months, Eli Lilly and Co. could know whether the Food and Drug Administration has approved its latest drug, baricitinib, a once-a-day tablet for treating rheumatoid arthritis.

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Lawmakers zeroing in on anti-meth plan

Bills would let pharmacists require prescriptions for suspicious customers trying to buy cold medicines with pseudoephedrine. But some drug store chains fear putting their pharmacists in danger.

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Deal puts IU doctor’s research on path to market

A professor in the Indiana School of Medicine is hopeful that an antibiotic cocktail he invented will one day improve the lives of millions of people, thanks in part to the Indiana University Research and Technology Corp., formed in 1997 to make work done by IU faculty and researchers available for commercial development.

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