
Lilly’s insulin dip concerns analysts

Eli Lilly and Co. suffered a tough week on the stock market, in part because of a disturbing bit of news buried in its third-quarter earnings report: Lilly’s insulin sales are down.

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Group aims to cut costs of late-stage drugs

You know things are bad in the fiercely competitive pharma industry when drugmakers start turning to each other for help. But that’s exactly what happened last week when 10 major drug companies—including Eli Lilly and Co.—joined forces to cut costs out of clinical trials.

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Two more clinical trials go against Lilly

In the midst of Eli Lilly and Co.’s surprisingly positive news about its experimental Alzheimer’s drug, the company suffered two other setbacks with former stars of its pipeline.

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Lilly’s Alzheimer’s drug trials show mixed results

Eli Lilly and Co.’s experimental Alzheimer’s drug failed to meet its primary goals in two separate clinical trials. However, when the results of both trials were combined, the drug appeared to have slowed the decline of cognition in some patients.

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