NFP of NOTE: Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana Inc.
Gleaners’ mission is to end hunger by engaging individuals and communities to provide food for people in need.
Gleaners’ mission is to end hunger by engaging individuals and communities to provide food for people in need.
United Way of Central Indiana’s 2010 annual campaign fell short of its ambitious $41 million goal, but donations nearly matched the 2009 total.
Lilly Endowment Inc. is continuing its decades-long support of the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership, awarding the not-for-profit a $6.3 million grant to help low- and middle-income families become homeowners.
The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis is an aggressive supporter of charities that serve people with HIV and AIDS, but that aggression—in the form of a risky investment strategy and big payouts—almost led to its demise.
Local attorney Lawrence Reuben has chosen two fledgling organizations—the Immigrant Welcome Center and Grameen Bank of Indiana—for the largest of $8 million in gifts from his mother’s estate.
The local church is joining Trinity Wall Street Church in New York in donating to reconstruction of the building destroyed in the January 2010 earthquake.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better.
In a feat not possible for their teams, Indiana Pacers owner Herb Simon and Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay tied for 879th place on Forbes magazine’s annual list of the richest people in the world. Bill Cook and Dean White also made the list.
The Indiana University Foundation will move its Indianapolis staff from an office on North Meridian Street.
A fast-growing national organization that gets homeless people involved in running is expanding to Indianapolis.
A proposal by Keep Indianapolis Beautiful to bulldoze four century-old homes near Fountain Square has sparked a battle between the neighborhood beautification group and some of its typical allies: historic preservationists.
Robin Bellinger was a member of the management team for “The Campaign for Purdue,” which raised $1.7 billion.
There is a connection between military service and civic engagement for some groups of veterans, but the overall relationship is not that robust.
Junior Achievement’s attorneys paint the not-for-profit's ex-CEO as something of a renegade to bolster their defense in an ongoing lawsuit by another former executive.
The Indianapolis Parks Foundation plans to use a $150,000 grant from Indiana University Health to start an organic farm on the east side of the city benefiting Gleaners Food Bank.
Second Helpings named Jennifer Vigran, a human resources professional and past board member, its new CEO.
The Indianapolis Parks Foundation will administer the city's tax-supported crime grants program, under a proposal approved Monday night 26-0 by the City-County Council.
Joy’s House is committed to supporting families by providing exceptional adult day service.
Splash zone is among several improvements slated for German Church and 30th Park, a few of which will be considered Thursday by the Metropolitan Development Commission’s hearing examiner.
Under a proposal on its way to the City-County Council, the Indianapolis Parks Foundation would oversee millions of dollars in tax-supported grants for crime prevention.