SKARBECK: Diversifying not sure fix for Lilly Endowment woes
Lilly Endowment has been a substantial Lilly stockholder for 73 years, so to focus on the past decade is a mistake.
Lilly Endowment has been a substantial Lilly stockholder for 73 years, so to focus on the past decade is a mistake.
Ellen Rosenthal, CEO of the 19th-century history park, shares her biggest career blunder, how to raise funds in a recession,
and how Conner Prairie is like a certain sci-fi film.
Marion County Superior Court Judge Stanley Kroh sentenced Brandon Benker to three years in prison and two years in a Community
Corrections program, in which he may be assigned to work release or home detention. Benker stole more than $380,000 from the
group in 2008.
Brightpoint employees fanned out across Marion and Hendricks counties the week of April 17, donating more than 400 hours to
seven organizations. Comcast was expecting 1,000 volunteers to help organizations across the state on April 24.
Launched in Houston three years ago, Lemonade Day aims to educate children from pre-kindergarten through high school how to
start, own and operate their own small businesses.
Dan Schmidt of Indianapolis-based Schmidt Associates Inc. architecture firm has returned from a trip to Georgia helping to
evaluate school infrastructure there.
Coburn Place opens a door through which women and children fleeing domestic violence can find safe haven.
As of Friday, 39,900 people had signed up for the local Race for the Cure, which drew 42,000 last year and 45,000 in 2008.
The Indianapolis event is the sixth-largest in the country, but it ranks 70th nationally in terms of dollars raised.
Historic Landmarks' endowment is down sharply, but executives believe they can afford to take on the cultural-events-center
Philanthropist Bill Cook will manage a $7 million restoration of the former Old Centrum building at
12th Street
and Central Avenue in Indianapolis, and the newly renamed Indiana Landmarks will move its headquarters there.
Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana is expected to announce Tuesday that it will move its headquarters to the Old Centrum
at 12th Street and Central Avenue in Indianapolis.
Jukes raises money so Ugandan children can attend secondary school through his Jukes Foundation for Kids.
Dress for Success Indianapolis promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire,
a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
Marsh Supermarkets and its customers have contributed $100,000 to the American Red Cross Haiti Relief Fund. The Kroger Co.’s
Central Division and students from Indianapolis Public School 46 raised more than $106,000, mostly from Kroger customers and
The findings may come as a surprise to not-for-profit executives who think the Internet generation doesn’t require a
personal touch.
The Women’s Fund of Central Indiana recently completed an endowment drive that raised $7 million, making the endowment one
of the largest of its kind in terms of assets.
Gleaners Food Bank is set to announce Wednesday that it is relocating to the former Monarch Beverage Co. warehouse on the
southwest side of Indianapolis, and it hopes to raise $11.6 million for the move.
Why not treat charitable deductions the same way we treat most retirement savingsâ??extend the deadline until April 15?
Former Junior Achievement CEO Jeff Miller says Mayor Greg Ballard was about to hire him as a senior policy adviser, but comments
by Central Indiana Community Foundation President Brian Payne and current CEO Jennifer Burk ruined the offer.
Jennifer Burk, who took the helm in July, wishes she'd asked more questions when she was a board member.