
Let’s hear it for Bird

If there is any one individual who can turn around the Pacer organization and the NBA, remember, Bird is the word.

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Stern’s definition of ‘golden age’ is laughable

Of this, that and the other while wondering if NBA Commissioner David Stern had just taken a hit off Michael Phelps’ bong
when he proclaimed this to be "the golden age of basketball" during his all-star weekend news conference in Phoenix.

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Gun owners, athletes or not, must be responsible

I don’t begrudge those who legally obtain and carry guns, whether their intended use is hunting or self-protection, and I
question the media frenzy that erupted after New York Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress was arrested for carrying a weapon
without a New York license.

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Oprah’s beau advises struggling Pacers on image management

Best-selling author Stedman Graham says professional athletes should think of themselves as “a corporation unto themselves.”
Graham–perhaps best known as television star Oprah Winfrey’s boyfriend–brought that message to the Indiana Pacers during
a three-hour private seminar in late January designed to get the players to rethink the importance of their individual images.

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