City council acts to close loopholes in landlord registry system
The city of Indianapolis is hoping to get derelict property owners into shape with new changes to its landlord registry.
The city of Indianapolis is hoping to get derelict property owners into shape with new changes to its landlord registry.
One & Two Penn Mark contain 243,271 square feet of Class A office space, and are 82 percent occupied.
The site in Noblesville has gone unused since Bridgestone Firestone closed its 300-worker air-spring manufacturing plant in 2009.
Seattle-based running gear retailer Brooks Sports Inc. is considering opening a major distribution warehouse in Whitestown that could generate more than 100 new jobs.
Co-owner Ted Miller confirms financial problems drove the decision to shut down the 3-year-old brewery and a neighboring restaurant that opened in February.
In its latest effort to compete with online giant Amazon, Walmart is testing a delivery service using its own store employees, who will deliver packages ordered online while driving home from their regular work shifts.
CEO David Baxter, who was hired in May 2016, is aiming to marry the best of online retailing with brick-and-mortar stores, to lift the company’s profit margin to where it was five years ago.
Landlords across Indiana are feeling the pain from the collapse of Marsh Supermarkets, but none more so than a Canadian firm that had as many as 12 of the grocer’s stores in its portfolio.
Flush with national accolades, Jonathan Brooks hopes to open Beholder this fall with a strong emphasis on wine. Also in Property Lines: BurgerFuel opens its first U.S. location in Broad Ripple.
A planned residential real estate development project in the heart of Fishers has been expanded from eight to 60 single-family homes.
An Indianapolis business that has purchased and rented out hundreds of houses in the city is being sued by a not-for-profit housing group and four former customers over what they are calling a “predatory and unlawful rent-to-own scheme.”
The additions to the food court will include a concept from Cafe Patachou founder Martha Hoover.
City officials are determined to acquire the land to bring public recreation to the area largely populated by private, upscale homes. They’re willing to use eminent domain if necessary.
The project could take shape on property directly adjacent to the City Market, in addition to $8 million in renovations planned to spiff up the Gold Building and a neighboring office complex.
Rather than building a test kitchen that would never in itself generate income, Cunningham Restaurant Group decided to build Vida, a real restaurant where chefs experiment.
Restaurants, grocers and other businesses celebrated Thursday as House Republicans backed off efforts to eliminate the cap on fees that banks can charge retailers when customers use debit cards.
The younger brother of high-tech entrepreneur Elon Musk is bringing two restaurants to the city and funding the installation and operation of modular garden plots at as many 100 local schools.
An architect, a museum designer, a professor and others offer their advice. The keys, they say, are creating the right environment and keeping an open mind.
Veach’s Toy Station, founded in 1938, plans to close its 16,000-square-foot store in August due to declining sales.
Designs for the $260 million project are being submitted to city officials for review in monthly waves. The latest include the movie theater and residential and commercial buildings.