Five buildings set for construction this fall at Carmel City Center
Three buildings are expected to be reviewed by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission Architectural Review Committee this month.
Three buildings are expected to be reviewed by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission Architectural Review Committee this month.
The northern Indianapolis suburbs are struggling to improve their doorsteps despite tight budgets, right-of-way acquisition obstacles and fickle public tastes.
Lincoln Square Pancake House and a yet-to-be-named steak and seafood chophouse have committed to the Millikan on Mass project, joining Nine Irish Brothers at the apartment and retail development.
The partnership that wants to develop a criminal justice center in Indianapolis has proposed a slightly scaled-down version to the City-County Council in hopes of resurrecting the project.
The Minneapolis-based developer is constructing the facility on a speculative basis, as demand for industrial space in the metropolitan area remains high. The building should be finished in February.
A 20-acre property the Westfield-Washington School Board recently sold could become an apartment complex under a proposal the city is considering.
King Park Development Corp. is pursuing another developer to rehab the building on East 16th Street after a Noblesville firm pulled out of a deal to convert part of it into a hub for food-and-beverage startups.
A dispute involving the federal and state governments over how Kokomo built part of a baseball stadium in a flood-prone area meant to remain green space was resolved Friday.
The roof of The Buick building at 13th and Meridian streets features two honey beehives, occupied by more than 20,000 bees apiece.
The city of Noblesville is proposing expanding its zoning jurisdiction in preparation for future growth and possible annexation of new property.
Officials in the town of Cumberland are in discussions with a local developer on a plan that could save a historic church from the wrecking ball.
When some employers want their people to innovate, they try putting a new twist on the old desk-computer-cubicle combo.
IBJ picked the brains of Indianapolis-area firms and organizations known for liquid thinking to discover how they open the spigot on innovation.
Republic Parking System Inc. has won the right to manage 6,100 state-owned downtown parking spaces, as well as hundreds of parking spots at White River State Park, for up to five years.
The Scotty’s Brewhouse location on East 96th Street will undergo a massive renovation in July when the restaurant will close for about a week.
The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana this month filed the federal lawsuit against Shiloh Estates in Indianapolis and Colorado-based owner FR Community.
Merchants Affordable Housing Corp. plans to spend at least $30 million to buy and rehab 10 buildings, most of them north of downtown.
Frisch's Big Boy restaurants are being sold to a private equity fund, ending family ownership of a Cincinnati-based chain that dates to 1948.
Commissioners are pushing to build a public-safety training campus that might eventually cost more than $40 million.
Cleveland-based Red The Steakhouse is slated to take the street-level space at 14 W. Maryland St. Also downtown: Georgia Reese’s Southern Table & Bar will begin welcoming patrons on Friday.