
Fletcher Place gains destination status

Fletcher Place on the southeastern edge of downtown for years served as little more than a pass-through for folks traveling between downtown and Fountain Square. But the triangle-shaped historic neighborhood is starting to carve out its own identity by drawing more residents and visitors to patronize the restaurants and drinking establishments sprouting along Virginia Avenue.

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Combatants in grocery feud are finally making peace

Attorneys for the Marsh Supermarkets and Don Marsh have quietly reached a settlement on the final issue: how much each side owes the other for legal fees on claims on which they prevailed. Each had argued since last fall the other owed $1.7 million.

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Latest plans for Mass Ave land swap hit snag

The Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission has expressed concerns about a proposed parking lot tied to a complex land deal involving a credit union, firefighters union hall, and a planned $43 million development.

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State sits on prime downtown property near Statehouse

Three locally based firms responded to a state request for private-sector parking management, plus the construction of new spaces, by proposing mixed-use buildings for a 3.2-acre lot north of the Statehouse, according to response documents made public late last month.

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