
Plan envisions hot growth for downtown Indianapolis

A study commissioned by the office of Mayor Greg Ballard envisions a much more densely populated, walkable downtown core stretched by several blocks and supported by another Circle Centre mall's worth of retail and enough new office space to double the size of Chase Tower.

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Board delays decision on Broad Ripple parking garage

An attorney for Keystone Construction Corp. asked the five-member board to delay a hearing on the garage to allow the developer to meet with officials from the City of Indianapolis’ Department of Public Works about construction of a levee system along White River.

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Former Mike’s Carwash partner seeking $30M

Jerry Dahm is asking a Hamilton Superior Court judge to force the two owners of the company to buy his stake in its real estate arm for more than $26.2 million, on top of another $3.3 million he wants from his share in the car wash chain. The two owners already have agreed to pay him $17.1 million.

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Simon CEO lands $137 million in compensation

David Simon must remain CEO of Indianapolis-based Simon Property Group for at least six years to see any of the $120 million in special stock awards the company’s board of directors awarded him last year, and must stay on eight years to reap the full amount.

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Political worries contribute to robust firearms sales

The presidential election is still a long way off, but large numbers of Indianapolis-area gun owners seem to think Barack Obama is a surefire bet for a second term. Uneasiness over his re-election (and fear that he might push for strict gun control laws) has sparked a run on weapons and ammunition.

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