
Retail chain Family Leisure finding new identity

Recreational product superstore Family Leisure changed its name from Watson’s two years ago, but it could take years before the company led by Kevin Prefontaine builds the kind of brand equity tied up in the old name.

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Irsay, Simon tie on magazine’s world’s-richest list

In a feat not possible for their teams, Indiana Pacers owner Herb Simon and Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay tied for 879th place on Forbes magazine’s annual list of the richest people in the world. Bill Cook and Dean White also made the list.

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Lawsuit puts Calle 52 in park

Plans are on hold for a new Latin restaurant at 52nd Street and College Avenue after a fellow restaurant owner sued to overturn city approval of a parking variance.

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Key House Republican praises Obama housing plan

The Obama administration's plan to gradually dissolve ailing housing giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and to shrink the government's role in the mortgage market drew praise from House Republicans on Tuesday.

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