
Carpenters union to unveil new training facility

The recent dearth of construction activity has been an opportunity of sorts for the Indiana-Kentucky Regional Council of
Carpenters: During the slowdown, the trade group built a $13 million
training facility and administrative building in Greenwood.

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Bren Simon deposition sheds light on family feud

Bren Watch VideoA judge is scheduled to hear final arguments Thursday over whether Bren
Simon should remain as trustee for her late husband's roughly $2 billion estate. A video deposition has provided a glimpse
into ugly family conflicts.

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Deadline approaches for Richelieu offers

John Jacobs and a Cleveland-based partner have put a Friday deadline on offers for the 62-unit Richelieu apartments, a two-building
property at the intersection of North and East streets and Mass Ave.

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Children’s Museum plans neighborhoods’ revitalization

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is about to expand its role in urban redevelopment. It has already invested more than
$1 million in the half-dozen blocks around its campus on North Meridian Street, and now plans to help create a comprehensive
plan for an area that encompasses six nearby neighborhoods.

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Sparks fly at Simon estate hearing

Details of years of squabbling between family members of the shopping mall magnate Mel Simon have begun to emerge in a court
battle over the late billionaire's estate.

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Hilbert mansion to be auctioned

CNO Financial Group Inc. will resort to a sealed-bid auction to unload the lavish Hilbert mansion in Carmel, which has been
on the market for five years. Its latest asking price was $9.9 million.

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