
Properties in play along Market Street

Four properties for sale along a two-block stretch of East Market Street downtown are likely to offer the first signs of what’s
in store for an area real estate brokers think will get a boost from the recent removal of the Market Street interstate ramp.

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RCI to become Wyndham Exchange; says Carmel jobs are safe

Despite a swooning economy that has hammered the time-share condominium industry over the last 18 months, Resort Condominiums
International continues to outperform its market. That’s not to say there hasn’t been some pain at
the company formerly headquartered in Carmel.

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Historic namesake for German Church Road facing demolition

Historic preservation groups are fighting to save a 1914 church at the northeast corner of Washington Street and German Church
Road in Cumberland. The congregation of St. John United Church of Christ has been working on plans to build a new church on
Carroll Road and struck a deal to sell the old one to a developer. The plans are rumored to include demolition
to make way for a CVS store.

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