
Law firm sticks with unconventional space

With its expansion last month into the historic Eden-Talbott House at 1336 N. Delaware St., the local environmental law firm
Plews Shadley Racher & Braun now owns and occupies three historic homes and a 1950s-era office building in the same block.

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Northeast-side CVS gets nod

The Metropolitan Development Commission has given its blessing to a new CVS store along 82nd Street just east of Interstate
69 over the objection of city planners.

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Efforts target blight on 16th

A stretch of 16th Street could see new life as the Indianapolis Housing Agency plans to redevelop a troubled low-income housing project and Kroger revives efforts to acquire land and plan a new supermarket to replace a cramped, old-format location.

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Shopping center vacancies continue to climb

Vacancies at U.S. shopping malls and retail strip centers have climbed to steep levels, a trend that Indianapolis-based commercial
real estate companies Simon Property Group Inc. and Kite Realty Group Trust haven’t been able to dodge.

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City approves new CVS store

The Metropolitan Development Commission has given its blessing to a new CVS store along 82nd Street just east of Interstate

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