
Restaurant in a bit of a Pickle

Indianapolis didn’t exactly warm to Spicy Pickle. The Denver-based restaurant chain shut down both of its Indianapolis-area locations shortly after opening them last year. But the chain hasn’t rid itself…

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A bit of Lauth history

Regarding the May 25 story, [“Lauth granted reprieve,”] please note that Lauth Property Group is an offshoot of the original company founded by myself and Terry Eaton in 1976. It was then known as Ernst/Eaton Associates.

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Irvington rolls out $1.2 million promotional campaign

In the midst of a $1.2 million campaign to upgrade streets, sidewalks and other neighborhood infrastructure, a coalition of Irvington businesses and residents is launching a unique marketing campaign to tout the neighborhood’s recent enhancements and position it as an alternative to places such as Carmel, Zionsville, Geist and Noblesville.

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ipsum laoreet. Nam ac massa metus, eu sodales mi. Suspendisse a, nec gravida justo ligula non ligula.

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Binford’s medical ghost town

The hits keep on coming for the unfinished Binford Medical Complex at 65th Street and Binford Boulevard as the urgent care center that served as the development’s anchor…

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T-Mobile taking prime corner

T-Mobile has inked a five-year lease for a 2,200-square-foot space at the northwest corner of Washington and Meridian streets. The store will be a corporate-owned “playground” store, a new…

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Lauth granted reprieve

A judge has given Lauth Group Inc. a reprieve from an equity investor that is seeking to take control of most of the developer’s

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Sad news out of Madison

The 154-year-old Jefferson County Courthouse caught fire last night, and the damage looks serious. Workers were finishing up renovations in preparation for Madison’s bicentennial next month. You can follow Twitter updates from the Madison Courier here. The…

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