Around town retail roundup
A new restaurant called Stanley’s New York Deli plans to open Feb. 28 at the corner of 86th Street and Ditch Road. Owner Greg Abes named the 3,800-square-foot deli for his father…
A new restaurant called Stanley’s New York Deli plans to open Feb. 28 at the corner of 86th Street and Ditch Road. Owner Greg Abes named the 3,800-square-foot deli for his father…
A Florida firm is suing to overturn Indiana’s resident-ownership law regarding liquor.
CT scanners have been used for decades to peer inside humans. Now a Purdue University researcher is training the technology on hardwood trees to help lumber mills get the most value from logs.
Despite assurances of strength, Simon Property Group Inc. has decided to pay 90 percent of its dividend in stock, a move that allows the company to hold onto $925 million in cash this year but could alienate shareholders drawn by the dividend.
Company officials think HHGregg is well-positioned to fill the void that Circuit City Stores Inc. will leave when its stores are closed.
The not-for-profit King Park Area Development Corp. is working on plans for a retail development at the vacant northeast corner of 22nd and Delaware streets.
The Baskin-Robbins ice cream chain hopes to add more than 50 franchise locations in the Indianapolis area.
The Nature Conservancy is finalizing plans for its new $4.4-million headquarters at 620 E. Ohio St. downtown. The not-for-profit group is planning a two-story, 20,000-square-foot…
Check out this rendering of plans for the vacant northeast corner of 22nd and Delaware streets. The two-story project would be built to…
The recession, coupled with personnel shifts, have grounded the more than $50-million hotel project adjacent to the new terminal.
Glenn S. Lyon, the new head at The Finish Line Inc., has plenty to tackle. Traffic is down at Finish Line stores, sales have slowed and competitors are slashing prices.
The not-for-profit Indianapolis Historical and Educational Foundation is planning a police museum in the first floor of an old warehouse along Pennsylvania Street across from Conseco Fieldhouse.
One locally owned retailer aiming for a New York City vibe was set to close and another has opened along Massachusetts Avenue
One locally owned retailer aiming for a New York City vibe is closing and another is opening along Mass Ave downtown. The boutique shop Tantrum, which opened…
Developers are working on plans to build new residential or commercial space adjacent to two public-housing towers near Mass Ave downtown. The Indianapolis Housing Agency…
Here’s something that passes as good news for central Indiana’s moribund housing market: Prices might hold steady this year,
after falling nearly 7 percent from their 2006 peak.
Turns out the window message in an old warehouse across from Conseco Fieldhouse is teasing a proposed police museum. The interactive museum, dubbed Cop City,…
Just an observation: If visitors are relying on the promotional banners on downtown’s light poles, they’re probably pretty confused by now. Many of the banners are for the Lion King, which had its last Murat Theatre performance on Dec. 28.
A hip frozen yogurt chain with a foothold in California and New York is getting ready to stake a claim in Broad Ripple. Red Mango has filed…
Ivy Tech Community College is working with private developers on a plan to turn the old St. Vincent Hospital into a housing complex…