Carmel’s Ragin’ Roundabouts
Carmel’s plans for a total of 60 roundabouts by 2011 drew gasps of admiration from the crowd at this year’s National Roundabout Conference. And ultimately,…
Carmel’s plans for a total of 60 roundabouts by 2011 drew gasps of admiration from the crowd at this year’s National Roundabout Conference. And ultimately,…
Does anyone have an explanation for the window display in the building at Pennsylvania and Georgia streets across from Conseco Fieldhouse?…
Concern over the future of Broad Ripple Fire Station No. 32 is heating up as the Indianapolis Fire Department weighs whether to close…
The Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana is racing to save the Cotton-Ropkey House at 79th Street and Marsh Road just west of I-465. The owner of the…
If the c.1850 house stays put, it faces certain demolition. The owners sold the acreage to developers, but not the dwelling. Historic Landmarks is looking for a new owner who’ll move the house so it can be saved.The developer’s site…
Scholar’s Inn Bakehouse has closed its cafe at the corner of College and Broad Ripple avenues. The locally based chain still is operating…
Could losing three of four anchors in a year’s time actually have a bright side for Lafayette Square Mall? Broker Clint Fultz thinks it might.
Macy’s decision to close its store at Lafayette Square could deal a devastating
blow to a mall already reeling from the loss of other major tenants.
The restaurant, bar and concert venue Music Mill plans to shut down next month after a four-year run at 3720 E. 82nd St. near the Fashion Mall…
Now that Scotty’s Brewhouse has officially opened, what do you think so far of the revamped Jefferson Plaza? The original renderings are here. The…
Looks like the Taste of Tango will get off the ground after all. Workers yesterday installed a black awning on the building’s brown facade (fashion…
A four-story building at Washington and Delaware streets downtown is getting a full makeover. The 11,000-square-foot property is being marketed to retail users for the first floor and office for the other three. No tenants have committed yet, said Harvey…
Fitness-minded partners collaborate to open a Broad Ripple nutritional supplement store.
Georgetown Market has stayed in the health food game since 1973, in part because of owner Rick Montieth’s ability to see down
the road.
Beth Metzger has talked about opening a salon and day spa with her daughter, Jill Dennis, for years.
Davis Homes, one of the state’s largest home builders, fell victim to the tough housing market, ceasing operations July 23.
For several years, Angie’s List CEO Bill Oesterle also has been quietly attempting to revitalize the near-east side.
After months of agitating for changes at The Steak n Shake Co., investor Sardar Biglari finally got a shot at putting his
theories into action.
Talk to anyone about Kristin Kohn and her "In the City" ventures and you hear the same thing, over and over: Smart. Enthusiastic.
Fun. Entrepreneurial. And hardworking, especially when it comes to Massachusetts Avenue.
Noodles & Co. plans to open in the long-vacant former home of Hard Times Cafe, which is just west of Houlihan’s and Steak n Shake on Maryland Street. The Colorado-based chain…