
Foot Locker taking Flagstar space

Foot Locker has filed plans to open a 3,300-square-foot store at the corner of Meridian and Washington streets downtown. The space currently is home to Flagstar Bank, which plans to move to…

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Navigating the credit crunch: Will subprime woes leave you dry? Here’s what to look for.

For months, we’ve been reading and hearing news about the so-called subprime mortgage crisis and the resulting “credit crunch.” For thousands of families who have lost their homes to foreclosure, the crisis is clear. For most people, however, the impact isn’t so obvious. Beyond those directly affected by mortgage defaults, who else should be concerned about the aftershocks? Some economic forecasters are warning that the subprime mortgage situation and the ongoing weakness in the housing market could linger long enough…

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Fiercely private developer built strip-center empire

Sid Eskenazi fell in love with the board game Monopoly as a child. Buying and developing make-believe properties with make-believe money inspired the grade-schooler. And he was good at it. So several years later, Eskenazi began playing what he likes to call “adult Monopoly.” He bought one property at a time with real money.

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EYE ON THE PIE: Give tax relief to those who truly need it

No topic brings me more mail than property taxes. Some of this mail is silly, some is tragic. Many writers are concerned that they or their neighbors will lose their homes because of propertytax increases. This is a serious, legitimate concern. However, it is not a reason to abolish property taxes. Those who are hard-pressed to pay their property taxes are not different from those who have problems paying utility bills, medical bills, and the costs of other necessities. These…

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Venu taking ‘green’ to new level

Check out this new rendering of Venu from locally based Premier Properties USA Inc. The company plans to build the 2.3-million square foot project at the southwest corner of 86th and Keystone….

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WFYI’s new headquarters

WFYI plans to break ground this morning on an expansion of its new headquarters building. The public broadcaster is moving into the former Vectren Building at 1630 N. Meridian St. WFYI will…

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Restaurant rumblings: Brazilian

At least two more Brazilian steakhouse concepts are looking to open new restaurants in Indianapolis, brokers say. The first to debut locally, Brazilian Grill, opened a few months ago at 86th Street…

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Mass Ave building for sale

The Massala Building on Massachusetts Avenue has been listed for sale. The 36,000-square-foot building is home to MacNivens Restaurant & Bar and is next door to the site of 3 Mass, a…

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Nightclub eyes Union Station

The city has reached a preliminary agreement to lease 12,600 square feet in the basement of Union Station for a new restaurant and nightclub. The lease is with The Arantee Group, one…

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Bush Stadium’s uncertain future

What should be done with Beautiful Bush Stadium? The city has ordered appraisals of the historic ballpark as a first step toward eventual reuse or demolition. The Indianapolis Indians played in the…

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City paves way to redevelop Bush Stadium site

Indianapolis has initiated the redevelopment process for Bush Stadium, its shuttered sports landmark. The Metropolitan Development
Commission has hired a pair of local firms for $25,000 to appraise historic Bush Stadium–a first step toward reuse or, more
likely, at least partial demolition.

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Heart or head?: Intellect, emotions play role in most biz-location decisions

Ithe process of f n theory, retail, office or industrial location as should putting be as rational and unemotional reality, emotions together a spreadsheet. But in as hard data. can carry just as much weight “People use very sophisticated uildings processes , but in and evaluations to compare b ,” s as much of an art as a science the end, it’ . Smith, CEO eteran Samuel F said industry v Commercial of Indianapolis-based Resource aspect of it Real Estate…

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MCL spending $1M to freshen its image

After 12 months of market research, MCL cafeterias discovered younger folks and families aren’t familiar with the taste of
the Mayfield’s Value Plate or the Noon Special. So the company has launched a $1 million campaign to reposition its brand.

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Township wrestles with incorporation: As Greenwood, Bargersville annex commercial corridors, rest of township declines

White River Township in northwest Johnson County is dotted with an increasing number of high-priced homes and anchored by one of the area’s strongest school districts. But the area, known as Center Grove, also is marked by crumbling roads, poor drainage and an anemic parks system. To preserve its strengths and shore up its growing weaknesses, some in the area think White River Township needs to incorporate into its own city. The township of more than 40,000 residents faces the…

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An English Avenue opportunity?

A not-for-profit neighborhood revitalization group has slashed the prices on three remodeled live/work buildings at English and State avenues. The brick buildings near Fountain Square have undergone various levels of renovation by…

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Post-fire restoration underway

In the discussion about Jaron Garrett’s plans for Washington and Pennsylvania streets, someone asked about 38 E. Washington St. The building burned earlier this year, and now is being…

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Updated Gibson Building unveiled

Mayor Bart Peterson and OneAmerica executives cut the ribbon on the renovated Gibson Building this morning. Work on the 1916 building (originally a car manufacturing facility) began in April 2006 and cost…

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What ever happened?

Following up on a few old posts:

No Canterbury Sale Yet. Canterbury Hotel owner Donald Fortunato said he’s getting close to a sale of the 12-story hotel, but the deal is not done….

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Tower getting a new sign

Don’t be alarmed to see workers removing the massive OneAmerica sign from atop the 38-story OneAmerica Tower in the next few days. The company plans to replace the sign with one…

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Young developer, towering dream

The odds are long, but Jaron Garrett isn’t giving up on an ambitious plan to replace several blighted buildings along Washington Street with a twisting glass-and-steel apartment tower. The 25-story project…

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