
FBI’s project bid puzzles local developers

Some local developers were left scratching their heads last month when the federal government chose an out-of-state company
to develop an FBI field office in Castleton. The U.S. General Services Administration awarded the $38 million project to Lake
Winnebago Mo.-based BC Development Co.

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City buildings save money while gaining ‘Star’ status: EPA program gives tax breaks for energy efficiency

Thomson Inc. building, 10330 N. Meridian St. In 2006 alone, the EPA awarded more than 3,400 buildings nationwide with the Energy Star designation. Buildings can achieve the status by adopting an energy-management strategy and tracking the results during a 12-month period using an EPA rating system. Results need to be verified by a professional engineer. All Energy Star products qualify for a tax credit. A deduction of up to $1.80 a square foot is available to owners and designers of…

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What you crave

Never fear, White Castle fans. The downtown location at 16th and Illinois streets, which is closed and surrounded by a fence, apparently will soon serve sliders again in a shiny new White Castle building with nicer landscaping. Changes are coming…

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Downtown getting home shops

People living downtown won’t have to wait for a proposed Target to go home shopping closer to home. Carson Pirie Scott is renovating 25,000 square feet of its space on the third floor of Circle Centre mall for a new…

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Why so picky?

Barnes and Thornburg building next door to Borders, not leasing to anyone
Oceannaire and Flemings, Thornburg turned down. Steve Lee, Hokenson.

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No deal yet on JW Marriott

The city and two local developers still are working on an agreement for a $250-million hotel complex including a JW Marriott near White River State Park. The parties had hoped to reach agreement by April 1. There are no hangups…

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Office Space, anyone?

There’s plenty available. New numbers from Colliers Turley Martin Tucker show office vacancy rates all over the city rose in the first quarter of 2007. Downtown’s vacancy rate took a beating again, rising…

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Your turn: MSA

Only two teams are competing to redevelop the Market Square Arena site, fewer than many had expected. Both proposals call for mid-rise projects that would include retail and residential components. Check out the renderings and more details below. What does…

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Target proposed for MSA site

A partnership of Hearthview Residential, Mansur Real Estate Services, Lauth and Venture Real Estate has proposed a complex including a 14-story tower along with a Target store, office space and condos for the…

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Kosene pitches towers

A $130-million retail and residential complex with two towers on either side of Market Street is one of the proposals expected today for redevelopment of the Market Square Arena site. Proposals are due at noon.Chase...
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									<article id="post-77669" class="flex post-77669 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-property-lines-scott-olson topic-development-proposals topic-downtown topic-msa topic-real-estate authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">MSA’s big day</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-18T13:23:27-04:00">April 18, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>Bids for redevelopment of the Market Square Arena site are due at noon today. Who will file? What will they propose? Share your thoughts here, and check and this blog for updates all day.</p>
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									<article id="post-77671" class="flex post-77671 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-property-lines-scott-olson topic-indianapolis topic-real-estate authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Update on Canterbury sale</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-17T17:19:52-04:00">April 17, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>Has  anyone  heard  who  might  be  interested  in  buying  the  Canterbury  Hotel?  IBJ  reported  this  week  that  the  owners  of  the  99-room  property  are  negotiating  to  sell.  You  can  read  our  story  here.  Sources  are  telling  Property  Lines…</p>
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									<article id="post-77666" class="flex post-77666 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-property-lines-scott-olson topic-indianapolis topic-real-estate authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Good morning</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-17T13:51:19-04:00">April 17, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>We’ve  officially  launched  IBJ’s  first  blog.  As  you  can  see,  it’s  called  Property  Lines.  The  topic  is  real  estate.  The  idea  is  to  create  a  forum  for  real  estate  enthusiasts.  I  hope  you’ll  help  me  make  that  happen,  by  sending…</p>
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									<article id="post-77664" class="flex post-77664 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-property-lines-scott-olson topic-indianapolis topic-real-estate authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Peyton’s Table</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-16T15:51:16-04:00">April 16, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>One  of  the  toughest  tables  to  land  at  the  new  Harry  &  Izzy’s  restaurant  that  opens  today  may  be  the  spacious  booth  between  the  kitchen  and  the  bar,  at  least  once  people  find  out  it’s  now  known  as  Peyton’s  Table….</p>
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									<article id="post-11657" class="flex post-11657 article type-article status-publish hentry topic-government topic-real-estate authors-jennifer-whitson">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Canal could be home to new hotels or condos: Requirement for retail could jump-start slow effort</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-16T04:00:00-04:00">April 16, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>State and city officials have begun evaluating four groups that want to develop an acre of prime real estate along the Central Canal downtown. The property, which covers about a third of the block stretching from Ohio Street to New York Street, will feature canal-level retail-a requirement of all potential developments there. It also could be home to a hotel or condominium complex, based on plans from two local developers. Two other groups also are in the running for the…</p>
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									<article id="post-11666" class="flex post-11666 article type-article status-publish hentry tag-carmel tag-hotel tag-renaissance tag-renaissance-hotel tag-renaissance-indianapolis-north tag-winegardner-hammons tag-winegardner-hammons-inc topic-arts-entertainment topic-etc topic-hotels topic-real-estate topic-real-estate-deals topic-tourism-hospitality topic-visitor-spending authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Carmel to get $30M Renaissance hotel</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-16T04:00:00-04:00">April 16, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>A prestigious, full-service hotel soon will complement Carmel’s booming office market along North Meridian Street. A Cincinnati<br />
                            developer broke ground this month on a roughly $30 million Renaissance hotel with 263 rooms and 14,000 square feet of meeting<br />
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									<article id="post-11667" class="flex post-11667 article type-article status-publish hentry tag-canterbury tag-canterbury-hotel tag-celebrities tag-hotel-sale tag-luxury-hotel tag-renovation tag-renovations topic-arts-entertainment topic-etc topic-hotels topic-real-estate topic-real-estate-deals authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Storied luxury Canterbury hotel may sell</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-16T04:00:00-04:00">April 16, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>The stately 12-story Canterbury Hotel could use a renovation, hospitality analysts say, to restore some luster and help it<br />
                            take on more modern competitors. Such an overhaul might be on the way, along with new owners for the independent boutique<br />
                            hotel at 123 S. Illinois St.</p>
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									<article id="post-11625" class="flex post-11625 article type-article status-publish hentry tag-condos tag-development tag-development-projects tag-developments tag-douglass-pointe-lofts tag-fall-creek-place tag-live-work-space tag-lofts tag-minkis-builders topic-development-redevelopment topic-mixed-use topic-real-estate topic-urban-development authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Condos offering live/work space are hot</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-09T04:00:00-04:00">April 9, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>The age-old concept of living above your workplace is catching on again in Indianapolis, just as the developers of Douglass<br />
                            Pointe Lofts had hoped. The $2.65 million landmark at 25th and Delaware streets already will soon also be known for a diverse<br />
                            roster of local businesses.</p>
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									<article id="post-11644" class="flex post-11644 article type-article status-publish hentry tag-alcohol tag-alcohol-distributor tag-initial-public-offering tag-ipo tag-taliera topic-alcohol-sales topic-distribution-logistics topic-real-estate topic-transportation authors-peter-schnitzler">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Taliera switches strategy for buying underperforming brands of booze</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-09T04:00:00-04:00">April 9, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>Taliera Corp. plan to raise $60 million through an initial public offering was withdrawn March 27, but Taliera isn’t going<br />
                            away. It’s simply trying a different approach. CEO J. Smoke Wallin said he and his team of eight beverage industry veterans<br />
                            still believe their business plan is right.</p>
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									<article id="post-11650" class="flex post-11650 article type-article status-publish hentry tag-affordable tag-condominiums tag-condos tag-downtown-condos tag-downtown-housing tag-downtown-living tag-kosene tag-kosene-kosene tag-the-mind-trust topic-condominiums topic-development-redevelopment topic-kosene-kosene topic-real-estate topic-urban-development authors-cory-schouten">
							<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Kosene condos tout affordability in downtown market</a></h2>
															<div class="entry-meta">
									<span class="posted-on"><time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2007-04-09T04:00:00-04:00">April 9, 2007</time></span> 								</div>
														<div class="entry-summary">
								<p>Kosene & Kosene Residential Inc. pioneered the downtown market for new-construction condos with luxury projects named after<br />
                            classic cars. Now, the locally based company is striving to attract buyers for its latest project by adding a new standard<br />
                            feature: affordability.</p>
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