Marion County rental assistance program available to residents Monday
Residents whose income has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible to receive up to three months of assistance, which will be paid directly to their landlord.
Residents whose income has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible to receive up to three months of assistance, which will be paid directly to their landlord.
The 996-unit community was constructed in 1982 and is slated for renovations by its deep-pocketed buyer.
Designing a small home has its challenges. But believe it or not, the opportunities that a small home can offer are amazing.
In a deal that brings together two of central Indiana’s top real estate agents, powerhouse residential brokerage Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Indiana Realty has acquired ERA Real Estate Links.
The $11 million five-story project, called The Passage, would include support services and amenities to help tenants with disabilities get jobs and learn to live independently.
Stay-at-home orders led central Indiana homeowners to spend money on their outdoor living spaces, even after a slow start to spring.
The garden is filled with surprises: a collection of tiny geodes, a small landing of old bricks uncovered while digging in the yard, and pieces of wood, stone and concrete that were once part of machinery.
Over the past decade, developers have proposed nearly a dozen new subdivisions within a couple of miles of the 146th Street and Towne Road intersection.
Housing advocates are warning of a tidal wave of evictions in the state this summer unless an effort is coordinated to head it off.
Kendra Patrick and Melany Bellucci are good friends and members of the Irvington Garden Club, who spend summers swapping plants, advice and neighborhood stories. See photo galleries of both gardens.
Henke Development Group plans to sell Arbor Homes a part of its over 800-acre Chatham Hills development in Westfield so that it may be developed as a separate neighborhood called Monon Corner.
As expected due to the pandemic, the number of houses sold from March through May dropped by 10% compared with last year and the number of houses on the market dropped by 31%.
Most fast-growing trees have short lives and are not too sturdy. They lose more twigs and other debris and have more insect and disease problems than longer-living trees. Fortunately, many trees are fast-growing while they are young.
The $25 million program, funded through federal aid the state received through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, will provide assistance of $500 per month for up to four months. The state expects the program to help about 12,000 households.
Well under way after years of revisions and delays, Chatham Park is expected to include up to 55 condominiums, seven single-family homes, four duplexes and 2,200 square feet of retail space.
Whether you have a backyard big enough for socially distanced entertaining, or even a stoop, balcony, patio or corner lot, you can upgrade your outdoor space to make it somewhere to visit.
A developer is reworking his plans for an apartment building on Carmel’s Main Street to align the proposed $17 million project with future needs of residents and increase its chances of getting city approval.
Permit filings had been on the rise in nine of the last 10 months before pandemic-related issues finally took a toll on numbers last month.
Duckweed on a pond helps prevent algae that causes bad-tasting water. It also reduces water evaporation out of ponds helping to conserve water. But it can also reduce oxygen in the water that fish and other aquatic animals need.
May’s sales decline in the 16-county central Indiana area came on top of a 16.8% year-over-year decrease in April.