Flaherty becoming mixed-use master
Developer’s Flaherty & Collins is gaining a reputation developing trendy projects, the latest of which is a 28-story retail and residential tower on the site of the former Market Square Arena.
Developer’s Flaherty & Collins is gaining a reputation developing trendy projects, the latest of which is a 28-story retail and residential tower on the site of the former Market Square Arena.
Five local apartment complexes and one owner of multiple rental properties were accused of unreasonably consuming city, public, and law enforcement resources.
Indianapolis homeowners and landlords would have to buy smoke detectors with non-removable, non-replaceable batteries under a proposal that’s advancing through the City-County Council with bipartisan support.
The sharpest sales increase occurred among homes priced at $1 million or above. Sales fell in nearly every other price group.
Marion County stands to receive tens of millions of dollars from property owners who’ve been claiming false homestead deductions when this spring’s tax bills are collected.
M/I Homes of Indiana’s plans to develop a 43-home community on heavily wooded property along the Monon Greenway is facing opposition from neighbors and members of the Carmel Plan Commission.
Home prices rose, however, as inventory dwindled. The average area home price in March was $161,191, an increase of 6.1 percent compared with the same month of 2013.
The central Indiana home-construction industry saw its second straight month of improving activity in March following a bitter winter that slowed business.
Local developer Pittman Partners and multifamily specialist Barrett & Stokely Inc. are moving forward with plans for a $35 million apartment community near the Monon Greenway in Carmel.
Former hedge-fund executives who left Wall Street are finding new ways to milk profits from old trailer parks, including one in Indianapolis.
The 91-year-old Roberts Hotel building has undergone a $17 million renovation that created the 83-unit Lofts at Roberts development. The project was crucial to the city’s ability to attract a new downtown hotel.
With demand for apartments surging, rents are projected to rise for a fifth straight year. Even a pickup in apartment construction is unlikely to provide much relief anytime soon.
Although mortgage-refinancing applications are down, the product reviled and thought extinct after the 2008 housing crash that decimated property values may save the day for lenders: the home equity loan/line of credit.
The Bloomington City Council is giving permission to a Habitat for Humanity group to develop a neighborhood with 35 homes.
Restoration evokes marveling over its trappings and construction to withstand the Atomic Age.
Pricier houses are vanishing from the market faster than less-expensive homes due to a temporary bottleneck caused by rising demand and a slow recovery by builders.
The central Indiana home-construction industry saw a small rise in business in February, the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis reported Tuesday.
Browning Investments Inc. says that it is seeking $5.7 million from the bond issue to help finance Canal Pointe, its controversial $30 million apartments-and-retail project.
The vacant, 14,500-square-foot property in the heart of the city has been purchased by a local home-remodeling company, which plans to occupy half the building and lease the rest.
Pending home sales in the nine-county area slid 22.8 percent in February compared with the year-ago period. That was only a slight improvement from the 31-percent fall recorded in January.