
Wynkoop is top-selling local real estate agent

Scott Wynkoop placed first for a second year in a row in IBJ’s annual list of All-Star Agents. Wynkoop sold $56.9 million worth of homes in 2011 and 2012, up from the $45.7 million he sold in 2010 and 2011.

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City files nuisance suits against apartments

The two west-side apartment complexes have generated more than 3,200 police runs since 2008, according to the lawsuits. One owner told IBJ on Tuesday he would work with the city to make improvements.

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Will residential boom end commercial bust in West Clay?

Residential construction is booming in The Village of West Clay, the already-sprawling Carmel development designed to mimic small-town life at the turn of the (last) century. But not everything has gone according to Brenwick Development’s ambitious plans. Two commercial nodes remain largely undeveloped, and one property owner’s legal woes led to several high-profile vacancies that have yet to be filled.

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