
Groundbreaking nears for $4.5M apartment project

The 62-unit project called National Apartments on the Monon is the latest phase of the Martindale on the Monon redevelopment
project, which began in 2005. The developer is Indianapolis-based Development Concepts Inc.

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Bid deadline looms for former Hilbert mansion

The 25,000-square-foot mansion once owned by Conseco Inc. founder Stephen Hilbert was listed five years
ago at $20 million—and
about half that in recent months. Now the property is being sold in a sealed-bid auction, and offers are due Friday.

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Couple makes home in Ulen mansion built by town’s founder

The talk of the town back in 1929, the Mediterranean-style house at 118 Ulen Blvd. is now simply home for husband and wife
Gary Katona and Jennifer Jones-Katona, former Indianapolis city dwellers who retreated to the quiet “town within a town”
15 years ago.

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Area home sales slide again

July’s 27-percent decline marked the third straight month that home sales have slumped in central Indiana following three
straight months of improving sales spurred by generous federal tax credits.

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High-end home market hits foreclosure lull

Until this year, Indiana’s foreclosure epidemic knew no demographic boundaries. But suddenly that’s changed. Since March,
not a single foreclosure on a house priced at $1 million or more has been filed in the Indianapolis area—a possible
sign of better times for uber-expensive homes.

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Local investors make big bet on senior housing

With the first baby boomers set to turn 65 in six months, investments in senior housing are heating up. A group of Indianapolis-area
professionals—including Mark Waterfill (left) and Tony Schantz—have banded together to launch three senior housing
projects around the state, spending $49 million and looking
to do more.

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Deadline approaches for Richelieu offers

John Jacobs and a Cleveland-based partner have put a Friday deadline on offers for the 62-unit Richelieu apartments, a two-building
property at the intersection of North and East streets and Mass Ave.

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Hilbert mansion to be auctioned

CNO Financial Group Inc. will resort to a sealed-bid auction to unload the lavish Hilbert mansion in Carmel, which has been
on the market for five years. Its latest asking price was $9.9 million.

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