
Asking price for Hilbert estate drops below $10M

After more than four years on the market, the Carmel estate built for Conseco Inc. founder Stephen Hilbert is listed at
$9.9 million—less than half of the original asking price and a third of the $30
million it was estimated to be worth in 2001.

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Holding steady on Wawasee

Lake Wawasee, the popular northern Indiana getaway for some of the wealthiest people in the Indianapolis area, is doing fairly
well despite the real estate bust.

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Obama to sign homebuyer, jobless assistance bill

President Barack Obama is set to sign a $24-billion economic stimulus bill providing tax incentives to prospective homebuyers
and extending unemployment benefits to the longtime jobless who have been left behind as the economy veers toward recovery.

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RCI to become Wyndham Exchange; says Carmel jobs are safe

Despite a swooning economy that has hammered the time-share condominium industry over the last 18 months, Resort Condominiums
International continues to outperform its market. That’s not to say there hasn’t been some pain at
the company formerly headquartered in Carmel.

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