
Yats owners pull out of upscale bar downtown

Two weeks after the soft launch of the long-awaited restaurant and bar on the first floor of The Ambassador apartment building downtown, Yats Restaurants has pulled out of the enterprise, leaving partner Tom Megenhardt to go it alone.

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Eateries cash in on TV appearance

Owners of Edwards Drive In and Bub’s Burgers & Ice Cream say they’ve experienced a large uptick in business after being featured last month on the Travel Channel’s popular “Man v. Food” show. Now Indianapolis’ Flying Cupcake and West Coast Tacos are hoping for their time in the spotlight, too.

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Three injured in downtown crane collapse

Investigators haven't figured out what caused a crane to tip over Monday morning while crews were working
on a chimney
at the Rathskeller restaurant on East Michigan Street. Three people suffered minor injuries.

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DINING: Chancy upgrade at IUPUI eatery

Chancellor's has high aspirations, with a seasonal, locally sourced menu clearly designed to appeal more to diners on
an expense account than college students on a budget.

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