
Downtown upscale eateries cancel their lunch plans

While fast food remains a favorite for value-minded patrons, several higher-end restaurants in the Mile Square and its nearby
environs have decided in the last year to pull the tablecloth out from under their lunch service.

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Steak n Shake nearer to merger with steak chain

Under terms of the deal, Steak n Shake will pay Western Sizzlin shareholders $22.9 million and Western will pay its shareholders
a $15.9 million stock dividend, making the total deal worth about $38.8 million.

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Northeast-side CVS gets nod

The Metropolitan Development Commission has given its blessing to a new CVS store along 82nd Street just east of Interstate
69 over the objection of city planners.

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Efforts target blight on 16th

A stretch of 16th Street could see new life as the Indianapolis Housing Agency plans to redevelop a troubled low-income housing project and Kroger revives efforts to acquire land and plan a new supermarket to replace a cramped, old-format location.

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