
Downtown upscale eateries cancel their lunch plans

While fast food remains a favorite for value-minded patrons, several higher-end restaurants in the Mile Square and its nearby
environs have decided in the last year to pull the tablecloth out from under their lunch service.

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Steak n Shake nearer to merger with steak chain

Under terms of the deal, Steak n Shake will pay Western Sizzlin shareholders $22.9 million and Western will pay its shareholders
a $15.9 million stock dividend, making the total deal worth about $38.8 million.

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Northeast-side CVS gets nod

The Metropolitan Development Commission has given its blessing to a new CVS store along 82nd Street just east of Interstate
69 over the objection of city planners.

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Efforts target blight on 16th

A stretch of 16th Street could see new life as the Indianapolis Housing Agency plans to redevelop a troubled low-income housing project and Kroger revives efforts to acquire land and plan a new supermarket to replace a cramped, old-format location.

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Shopping center vacancies continue to climb

Vacancies at U.S. shopping malls and retail strip centers have climbed to steep levels, a trend that Indianapolis-based commercial
real estate companies Simon Property Group Inc. and Kite Realty Group Trust haven’t been able to dodge.

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City approves new CVS store

The Metropolitan Development Commission has given its blessing to a new CVS store along 82nd Street just east of Interstate

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Underage alcohol program nabs 370 retailers

An Indiana State Excise Police initiative that uses underage customers to catch retailers selling alcohol to people under
age 21 netted more than 370 violations across Indiana in only three months.

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