Struggling retailer HHGregg plans closures for six stores
The electronics and appliance retailer also announced more personnel moves, including the appointment of a new chief financial officer.
The electronics and appliance retailer also announced more personnel moves, including the appointment of a new chief financial officer.
The operator and franchiser of more than 250 roadhouse-themed restaurants, including four in the Indianapolis area, said it plans to close 18 under-performing restaurants as part of the reorganization plan.
The Indianapolis-based retailer promoted Chris Sutton to senior vice president of marketing, following the departure last month of his predecessor. It also hired two merchandising execs.
HHGregg Inc. failed to turn a profit for the 11th straight quarter as sales at the Indianapolis-based retail chain continued to fall, but the company did see some improvement in key financial categories.
Indianapolis-based HHGregg officially named Robert Riesbeck president and CEO on Monday. The executive joined the company in 2014 as chief financial officer.
An expanding universe of specialty retailers in central Indiana and across the country is satiating an appetite for old-fashioned—and new-fashioned—board games.
Simon executives told analysts during a conference call Wednesday that the company has added 200 restaurants to its tenant mix in the past five years, 53 of which should open either this year or in 2017.
The mall owner said funds from operations, a key performance measure, remained flat, but they beat analyst estimates by a penny.
HHGregg Inc. senior managers are not entitled to share in $40 million in life insurance proceeds from the 2012 death of executive chairman of the board Jerry Throgmartin, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Friday.
Families are more confident about the economy and ready to stock up on supplies, according to a survey from the National Retail Federation.
The struggling, Indy-based retailer says the move is part of a larger strategy that could save as much as $25 million over two years.
The decision came in response to a recent court ruling ordering the town to accept the giant retailer’s plans for a store on a 22-acre property on Michigan Road north of 106th Street.
C&S Wholesale Grocers Inc. says it will eliminate 187 jobs in Indianapolis and Yorktown because its contract with Marsh Supermarkets Inc. is coming to an end.
The struggling appliances and electronics retailer says its senior vice president of marketing, ecommerce and strategy has resigned. He’s at least the 10th executive to leave the Indy-based firm since mid-2012.
Most U.S. malls are still dependent on department stores to draw customers, but with consumers doing more shopping online, retail centers are increasingly relying on restaurants, entertainment amenities and even medical facilities to attract traffic.
The struggling retailer says it intends to more than double the number of its stores featuring the ritzy showrooms—an extension of its recent strategy to focus more on appliances and furniture.
Eric Halvorson, who lost his job at WISH-TV late last year after 32 years an anchorman and reporter, has been hired by the Kroger Co.
Debt-laden Bon-Ton Stores Inc. operates just one store in Indianapolis, but that store is the largest tenant in Circle Centre—and considered a vital occupant for the downtown mall.
Nearly an entire city block in Fountain Square soon could be redeveloped, with five old buildings getting torn down and a new five-story project springing up with retail space and 94 apartments.
Paradise already had indicated to its landlord that it wouldn’t renew its 10-year lease for the 4,700-square-foot space, which expires next year.