
City controller floats idea to change retirement plans

If the plan is carried out, new city employees wouldn’t be eligible for pensions through the Indiana Public Retirement System. Instead, they would have a defined-contribution plan similar to the 401(k) plans offered by private-sector employers.

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Government pension performance stings cities

The pension fund that holds benefits for public employees has seen improved investment returns over the last two years, but the hammering it took during the depths of the recession continues to deal a blow to cities, counties and other employers.

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Visteon ordered to reinstate health care to retirees

The mandate from a U.S. bankruptcy judge will supply retroactive benefits to more than 6,000 Visteon Corp. retirees who lost
insurance coverage after
Michigan-based auto-parts maker filed for bankruptcy in 2009, including 2,100 workers in Indiana.

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Veolia concessions worry regulators

Testimony filed in Indianapolis Water Co.’s rate case shows the city in 2007 agreed to take on millions of dollars in costs
from the private firm it hired to operate the utility, including $48 million in retiree medical plan obligations.

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