
Local SBA lending dropped 17 percent in 2009

Local loans issued through the Small Business Administration’s popular 7(a) guarantee program plunged by an astonishing 64
percent for three of the city’s four largest banks during 2009, while overall lending in the program slipped 17 percent in
the metro area.

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INpact Medical Device Network matches start-ups with service providers

Industry groups in the life sciences, medical and information technology realms have helped lure companies to the region
and foster upstarts. Funding is almost always an issue, but it’s not the only barrier. Getting medical
devices to market often requires product design, development and marketing resources that aren’t
always apparent to upstarts.

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Tenants trickling in to Purdue’s technology center

For a city feverishly growing its technology and life sciences sectors, it seemed a bit anticlimactic last January when
Purdue University dedicated its new technology center with only one tenant. But the lone tenant in the $12.8
million complex, FlamencoNets, a high-tech telecommunications firm, is about to get some company.

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Is Indiana coming out of venture capital swoon?

Carmel-based Dormir LLC’s announcement July 29 of $12 million in venture financing was the second local life sciences
deal announced in July. It could suggest a turnaround from a woeful second-quarter performance, when Indiana life
sciences firms announced zero venture capital deals.

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Small-biz loan approvals for June

SBA loan guarantees for the month of June. These businesses have received loans from financial institutions with a guarantee
from the SBA. Not all funds are disbursed immediately, and some approved loans are subsequently canceled.

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Federal stimulus trickles down

There’s a smorgasbord available for small businesses in the federal stimulus package. The trick is figuring out how to get a plate. Plenty of local experts are serving up access to the buffet. And some entrepreneurs are digging in. But others consider the
stimulus warmed-over leftovers.

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