
What’s New: PatentStatus

This week, meet James Burnes, who launched virtual patent-marking service PatentStatus LLC in January and spent the first weekend of February hobnobbing with corporate bigwigs in town for Super Bowl XLVI.

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Startup coaches clients on dating

Miss Pivot is a social-skills training company that offers one-on-one coaching from professional “wing” women, group classes on topics like starting conversations, and now a mobile app that promises users the knowledge they need to “Fire Cupid.”

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A morning-after question: Now what?

The Indianapolis community undoubtedly will benefit from hosting the Super Bowl, but no one can just sit back and wait for the payoff. Lots of work remains—especially for small businesses.

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Startups vie for Super Bowl exposure

One Indianapolis entrepreneur will spend Super Bowl Sunday huddled with startup guru Scott Case and another corporate combatant, working on a game plan for growth.

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