
IRL TV ratings still smoldering

The Indy Racing League television ratings continue to smolder. They’re certainly not burning it up, but where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And in this case, that means there’s some hope for the open-wheel…

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It’s Shaqtastic for IRL

I almost choked on my Cheerios when the Indy Racing League led Sunday’s 7 a.m. ESPN Sports Center. The same held true for 8 a.m. Heck, the open-wheel series was never the lead…

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Goodyear pleased with IMS test

Goodyear officials left the Indianapolis Motor Speedway smiling Wednesday despite the rain which doused their last day of tire testing this week for the upcoming Brickyard 400 NASCAR race.

Throughout the test, several cars…

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Goodyear: Tire troubles solved

Goodyear officials in town today for a NASCAR tire test at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway said they have fixed problems that plagued the company’s tires at last year’s Brickyard 400.

NASCAR officials last year…

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Goodyear turns to Tony Stewart

How serious is next week’s NASCAR tire test at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway?

Goodyear, who was largely credited for ruining last year’s Brickyard 400 NASCAR race, has called on one of its biggest critics…

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Tire troubles could blow out IMS

Most recall Indianapolis Motor Speedway boss Tony George’s proclamation following last year’s Brickyard 400 NASCAR race. George said the problems that plagued the Goodyear tires on the fendered cars were issues for NASCAR…

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Milka Duno’s driving causes uproar

There seems to be an increasing uproar in the Indy Racing League paddock that driver Milka Duno is a 200-mile-an-hour hazard that league officials need to deal with. The crew on Wind Tunnel…

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Danica Patrick ad burns hot

Danica Patrick pushed the Web site to new heights during yesterday’s Indianapolis 500, according to officials for the domain name registry.

Web traffic spiked 163 percent during Sunday’s broadcast, as compared to last year’s, according to GoDaddy officials. Even more…

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Diverse crowd shows for Carb Day

No, the 1970s haven’t returned at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Still, there are a few signs at the Brickyard today that indicate a nice sized crowd has arrived on the west side of…

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IRL drivers race for bonus cash

Patrick Stephan at TrackSide Online has compiled a list of Indy Racing League bonus winnings so far this season. This cash is the amount earned over and above the $1.24 million full-time teams…

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Indy Pole Day draws TV viewers

Even on a fledgling cable channel, the events surrounding the Indianapolis 500 continue to be an attraction—though I’m sure the Indy Racing League’s new TV partner was hoping for better. Pole Day qualifications…

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KV Racing GM: Paul Tracy can win

Paul Tracy has already said he is in the Indianapolis 500 to win. Tracy’s driving skills are not questioned, and the top end speed of his car is not at issue. But motorsports…

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Andretti, Patrick, Fisher revved up

With the Indianapolis 500 fast approaching, speed is the name of the game. It appears Indy Racing League drivers—some of them anyway—are gaining speed with corporate America.

If you haven’t seen Marco Andretti’s Gillette…

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Penske interested in buying Saturn

Just when you think Roger Penske would be focused on Indianapolis—as in the Indy 500—he apparently is looking at other interests to the north. Penske is considering a bid for General Motors’ Saturn…

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Panther sues over deal gone bad

Indy Racing League team Panther Racing has filed a lawsuit against locally based video and Web production company Pathway Production Co., which is now owned by Mays Chemical Co. President William Mays. The…

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Indy 500 history: A new perspective

The Indiana State Library is hosting a special Indianapolis Motor Speedway/Indy 500 program this Thursday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The program—which is free and open to the public—will provide a historical perspective…

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IRL: 2013 or bust

I wrote an article about the Indy Racing League’s long-term future for this week’s IBJ print edition that is getting quite a bit of attention from our readers. There are several reader comments…

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IRL TV ratings take dive

The Indy Racing League TV ratings took a step back at Kansas this past Sunday. After posting TV viewership gains for the Long Beach race April 19, the IRL earned a .15 rating…

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IRL thinking big in China

The Indy Racing League is taking a serious look at holding a race in China as early as 2011. Series officials said there are several good reasons why the league may want to…

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