
Audi’s entrance into IndyCar could cut both ways

While the addition of a new engine maker could significantly muscle-up the IndyCar Series’ global marketing, it also has some series insiders worried the move could trigger an engine arms race and price some suppliers, teams and drivers right out of the paddock.

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Hinchcliffe victory good for GoDaddy, IndyCar and fans

Hip, young racer James Hinchcliffe is off to a good start this year. With a good finish at Indy this May, he will become more than Danica Patrick's replacement driving the GoDaddy car. The series must promote his success to maximize the benefit.

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Pandering to NASCAR hurts IndyCar’s brand

Here’s a new statement IndyCar and Speedway officials might consider: The Indianapolis 500 and IndyCar racing are for highly-skilled specialists, not someone who can “drive the wheels off anything from a Dixie Chopper to a Camaro.”

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