James spurns Miami, returns to Cleveland Cavaliers
Four-time NBA most valuable player LeBron James said Friday that he felt a calling to be a leader in the city where he started his career.
Four-time NBA most valuable player LeBron James said Friday that he felt a calling to be a leader in the city where he started his career.
The rate of bike commuting in Indianapolis has more than doubled since 2000, but many cyclists still don’t know—or follow—some basic guidelines that can keep them safe.
Panther Racing, once one of the best little teams in the IndyCar Series, is now being sold off in pieces. A number of high-profile items are expected to draw a crowd.
NCAA President Mark Emmert faced a skeptical Senate Commerce Committee and said he feels college sports "works extremely well for the vast majority" and that the overall current model of amateurism should be preserved.
Officials say a private group has decided not to take over Anderson's closed Wigwam gymnasium, leaving the fate of the 9,000-seat venue uncertain.
VYPE High School Sports Magazine is facing fourth down. But the owners of the seven-year-old publication are considering all options to keep it alive.
The recommendation is among a set of guidelines created to “generate a cultural shift within college athletics,” the Indianapolis-based NCAA said Monday.
The city of Indianapolis, IUPUI and Lilly Endowment are preparing to unveil a broad plan for the west end of downtown and Haughville.
Finances are increasingly challenging for small, private schools, causing many to do whatever is necessary to attract students, particularly students who can afford tuition ranging from $25,000 to $45,000 annually.
When Visit Indy announced this week that Indianapolis had landed the 2016 USA Volleyball Girls’ Junior National Championships and that it would carry a $59 million economic impact, a few eyebrows were raised.
In November, Mayor Greg Ballard hoped to have City-County Council approval in January on a financing plan to help fix the IUPUI Natatorium. Now some councilors wonder if the mayor is changing directions on the issue.
Clark Kellogg, 52, who played with Pacers from 1982 to 1987, will depart as vice president of player relations, a position he’s held since 2010.
The contract, which makes the company Notre Dame's official outfitter, is reportedly the largest deal in the history of college athletics.
Indianapolis is expecting 15,000 athletes and 30,000 spectators for the 2016 USA Volleyball Girls’ Junior National Championships.
Burned by the economic meltdown and the scorching summer of 2012, five Indiana golf courses are rolling out a new game this year in hopes of bringing a little more green to their greens.
Indianapolis is reining in costs and dialing back ambition at the new east-side World Sports Park. The park, which will be home to one of the few premier cricket fields in the United States, is coming in about $1 million under its $6 million budget because it will have fewer features than planned.
The NFL agreed Wednesday to remove a $675 million cap on damages from thousands of concussion-related claims after a federal judge questioned whether there would be enough money to cover as many as 20,000 retired players.
Former NFL tight end Ben Utecht told a Senate hearing Wednesday that he fears where his history of brain injuries will leave him in the future.
With a shot at record attendance and increased profit this year, the Indianapolis Indians have no intention of changing a thing despite the brouhaha over teams with Native American names and logos.