BENNER: I’m more interested in soccer all of a sudden
Despite my American bias, there’s no doubt that soccer is the world’s game.
Despite my American bias, there’s no doubt that soccer is the world’s game.
Historic Landmarks Foundation is including a trip to Archie and Olivia Manning’s home during tour of New Orleans in March.
They’ve ousted Tony George, now it’s time for the former Indianapolis Motor Speedway CEO’s three sisters and mother to lead
open-wheel racing out of the woods.
His resignation removes George from any remaining role in Hulman & Co., Indianapolis Motor Speedway, IMS
Productions and other affiliated companies.
Two new executive hires this month at WFNI-AM 1070 could mean changes for the sports-talk radio station known as The Fan.
Kravitz and Eddie’s future to get evaluated.
They’re small, but they’re fast. They pack a punch and have proven more than reliable. When will someone wise up and give the Colts defense an endoresement deal?
Lucas Oil Stadium may be too soft to provide much of a home field advantage for Colts during playoffs. But rowdy fans can
give LOS a harder edge for visiting Ravens.
Colts fans threatening boycott after Howl at the Moon manager invites Ravens fans to come party in Indianapolis. Blue Crew
thinks invite was laced with insults to Indy.
At issue is a dispute pitting NFL players against owners, and owners against one another over how league
revenue should be divided. If it isn’t resolved, the 2011 season could be shortened, delayed or canceled.
Tony Cotman, 42, has vacated his post as Indy Racing League vice president of competition.
The Chicago-based firm might take over food service at the Speedway as IMS continues to look for opportunities to outsource.
Minnesota wants Danny Granger and Cleveland wants Troy Murphy. But Pacers player operations chief Larry Bird is demanding
a high price for prime players.
Indianapolis Colts’ Marlin Jackson said beef jerky and dark chocolate trumps steroids for recovering from an injury. He also
left little doubt that he thinks Peyton Manning is the best ever.
Indianapolis was one of 18 cities included in United State’s bid to host World Cup Soccer event in 2018 or 2022.
Former IU basketball coach Bob Knight compares Gatorade to other performance enhancing drugs, and says he should have been advising Mark McGwire during slugger’s Senate testimony.
At a critical time for series, Indy Racing League VP of Competition Tony Cotman is leaving his full-time post with the open-wheel
circuit to start his own track design firm.
A second Super Bowl ring or no, there’s no Mount Rushmore of NFL quarterbacks. There’s Peyton Manning on one level. Then there’s
everybody else.
Indianapolis receives a dozen responses to its proposal to privatize management of Lucas Oil Stadium,
the Indiana Convention Center and, perhaps, Conseco Fieldhouse.
Local advertisers and media buyers said they’ll keep a close eye on the first half of 2010 to see
how Patrick, who launched his show Jan. 4, matches up against WFNI-AM 1070’s afternoon drive time
Experts say a unique four-way partnership that includes the Pacers and Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association may be the favorite to run the city’s sports and
convention venues.