Tony George folds racing team, dismisses staff
Unable to raise the $1.5 million to $3 million needed to operate an Indy Racing League team this year, Tony George folded
Vision Racing this morning.
Unable to raise the $1.5 million to $3 million needed to operate an Indy Racing League team this year, Tony George folded
Vision Racing this morning.
Indy Racing League’s latest revelation raises more questions.
Indy Racing League goes outside racing circles to look for new CEO. Professional Bull Riders Association boss offered job
to replace Tony George.
In the minds of American consumers, Indianapolis Colts’ Peyton Manning and New Orleans Saints Drew Brees’ align with some
intriguing public figures.
Lots of folks in Indianapolis law and sports circles think the Notre Dame athletic director is the right man to replace the
late Myles Brand. But what does Swarbrick think?
City father and Indiana Pacers chief Jim Morris says Indianapolis will rise or fall depending on how well the city nurtures
children and connects with the world. So, how are we doing?
The Indianapolis Colts’ win over the New York Jets on CBS drew 46.9 million viewers, the most for an American Football Conference
title game since Patriots-Dolphins in 1986.
Indianapolis Colts Super Bowl run giving downtown hotels, restaurants and retailers a multi-million-dollar boost.
Indianapolis Colts have a rare opportunity to bond with their fans by showing them success doesn’t mean they’ll be taken for
granted. Fans want answers about Super Bowl ticket disbursement.
From a TV ratings standpoint, a Minnesota Viking-N.Y. Jets Super Bowl match-up could be the biggest winner for CBS and Super
Bowl advertisers paying $3 million for a 30-second spot.
A group of academics recently grilled the NCAA about what it plans to do to secure the future of more than three-fourths of
its largest members, whose athletic departments are hemorrhaging cash at a surprising rate.
Despite my American bias, there’s no doubt that soccer is the world’s game.
Historic Landmarks Foundation is including a trip to Archie and Olivia Manning’s home during tour of New Orleans in March.
They’ve ousted Tony George, now it’s time for the former Indianapolis Motor Speedway CEO’s three sisters and mother to lead
open-wheel racing out of the woods.
His resignation removes George from any remaining role in Hulman & Co., Indianapolis Motor Speedway, IMS
Productions and other affiliated companies.
Two new executive hires this month at WFNI-AM 1070 could mean changes for the sports-talk radio station known as The Fan.
Kravitz and Eddie’s future to get evaluated.
They’re small, but they’re fast. They pack a punch and have proven more than reliable. When will someone wise up and give the Colts defense an endoresement deal?
Lucas Oil Stadium may be too soft to provide much of a home field advantage for Colts during playoffs. But rowdy fans can
give LOS a harder edge for visiting Ravens.
Colts fans threatening boycott after Howl at the Moon manager invites Ravens fans to come party in Indianapolis. Blue Crew
thinks invite was laced with insults to Indy.
At issue is a dispute pitting NFL players against owners, and owners against one another over how league
revenue should be divided. If it isn’t resolved, the 2011 season could be shortened, delayed or canceled.