
Indiana pension shifts to international bonds

The Indiana Public Retirement System recently issued a request for proposals from international fixed-income managers and received 16 responses by the April 5 deadline. The $27.1 billion retirement system will hire two managers to oversee $900 million.

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Revenue forecast could swing Pence’s tax-cut hopes

The state revenue forecast due out April 16 will influence the next two-year budget and possibly help Gov. Mike Pence sell lawmakers on his proposed 10-percent income-tax cut. Experts predict the numbers won’t be much different from those in the last forecast.

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Senate budget expected to boost road funding

Local governments and road builders are optimistic that the Indiana Senate’s version of the state budget, set to debut Thursday, will mirror the House’s $500 million increase for road building.

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Schools chief, mayors seek more funds from Senate

The two groups most likely to benefit from changes made by Indiana House Republicans to the state budget asked Thursday that the Senate Appropriations Committee maintain new funding for roads and schools, and maybe find a little more.

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Senate budget leader: Schools, roads need boost

Indiana lawmakers have been aggressive in cutting taxes in recent years, the state Senate's top budget writer said Thursday as his committee started reviewing a spending plan that leaves out Republican Gov. Mike Pence's proposed 10-percent income tax cut.

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Indiana, Kentucky brace for new casino in Cincinnati

With a glistening $400 million casino set to open in downtown Cincinnati on Monday, officials and casino executives in two neighboring states are looking at the development with trepidation as they prepare to watch tax dollars flow into Ohio.

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GOP House blocks Dems’ push for Pence tax-cut vote

House Republicans blocked a vote Thursday on Gov. Mike Pence's proposed tax cut, fending off — at least for now — an attempt by Democrats to force them into the awkward position of rejecting one of the new GOP governor's top legislative priorities.

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Indiana panel advances $30B budget on partisan vote

A pair of Republican senators argued Tuesday for the personal income tax cut that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has made his top priority, while House Republicans across the hall advanced a budget that swaps that cut for education and roads spending.

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Indiana House drops tax cut for school, road money

House Republicans tossed out Gov. Mike Pence's call for a tax cut Friday, unveiling a $30 billion biennial budget that instead relies on Indiana's roughly $500 million annual surplus to restore education cuts and pay for road and bridge repairs.

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