State considers adding fourth port to strengthen economic development
Already, ports in Jeffersonville and Mount Vernon move goods to and from Indiana along the Ohio, downstream to the Mississippi River and out to the Gulf of Mexico.
Already, ports in Jeffersonville and Mount Vernon move goods to and from Indiana along the Ohio, downstream to the Mississippi River and out to the Gulf of Mexico.
Already holding the title for longest state budget stalemate, Illinois is poised to enter a third year without a spending plan. Unpaid bills are piling up, and rating agencies are threatening to downgrade the state’s credit to “junk.”
Indiana already has a burgeoning aerospace industry with players such as Rolls-Royce, GE Aviation, and Raytheon Co., but economic development officials say further growth is possible.
The Indiana Economic Development Corp. said the Purdue-based partnership will create the nation's most advanced turbine lab for compact gas engines.
The executive director of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission is expected to file her candidacy paperwork for 29th Senate District, which Sen. Mike Delph has led since 2005.
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb's administration entered a one-year contract last month with Shelbyville firm McNeely Stephenson to handle the "unusually high" number of requests.
Work to improve State Road 37 between Bloomington and Martinsville to interstate standards began in 2014 and was originally slated for completion by the end of 2016. But multiple delays and financing problems have raised concerns about the private developer.
Indiana hospitals are bracing for congressional action that could mean deep cuts in Medicaid, which funds the state’s popular health insurance program for low-income adults.
State officials say a minimum-security prison that's operated in Indianapolis for nearly 150 years will close its doors on or before July 31.
Indianapolis-based Earth Exploration Inc. has worked with transportation agencies in Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. It will retain all of its employees as it joins a firm with more than 4,000.
The Indiana Department of Transportation formally asked vendors Thursday for information regarding possible tolling on Interstates 65, 70 and 94, as required by the General Assembly.
One of Mike Pence's older brothers is being courted as a possible Republican candidate for the same eastern Indiana congressional seat that the vice president and former governor of the state represented for 12 years.
A state office that helps Indiana's communities with economic development plans has a new leader.
The survey was commissioned by the Indiana Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association in conjunction with a campaign to overhaul alcohol laws.
Indiana environmental officials believe contaminants recently found on the site of the Indiana Transportation Museum are oil-based but don’t think an emergency response is needed.
Ian Steff, who was named Indiana’s first chief innovation officer less than a year ago, accepted a position in the Trump administration this week to help boost domestic manufacturing.
City officials claim that recently passed state legislation that blocks the city’s attempt to annex 9,500 acres of property is unconstitutional.
The state is asking vendors to submit bid packages by June 12 for a drug whose price has spiked in recent years.
Indiana’s Management Performance Hub is organizing and analyzing data to help state agencies make better decisions about fighting the opioid scourge and other systemic problems.
Legislative leaders formally announced Thursday that they will form a study commission to look at ways to overhaul Indiana's antiquated and confounding alcohol laws.