Lawmakers still debating long-term vs. short-term road money
A Senate committee stripped tax increases out of a road funding bill, but the House speaker says the legislature needs to look beyond just the next election.
A Senate committee stripped tax increases out of a road funding bill, but the House speaker says the legislature needs to look beyond just the next election.
One proposal that would give school districts authority to negotiate higher pay with individual teachers faces an uncertain fate after the Republican Senate leader pronounced it dead Thursday. Another measure is still alive in the House.
For years, the people concerned with drug abuse and alcoholism nibbled at it only on the margins. Most states, including Indiana, have been far more likely to throw drug users in prison than to get them treatment.
Rick Hite served as police chief during former Mayor Greg Ballard’s administration.
The proposed amendment would have made it legal for payday companies to offer six-month loans of up to $1,000 at an annual interest rate of 180 percent.
Tesla Motors Inc. prevailed Thursday in Indiana, where lawmakers sidelined a bill that would have kicked the company out of the state unless it establishes dealerships.
An amendment approved by a house panel puts the Indiana Gaming Commission in charge of regulating the games and jacks up operator licensing fees.
Legislators have approved replacing all the male pronouns in laws describing the duties of Indiana's statewide officeholders with gender-neutral terms.
States say the federally-imposed fee—which cost Indiana $17.4 million in 2014—violates a constitutional ban on intergovernmental taxes.
Tesla Motors Inc., which has long skirmished with auto dealers over its practice of selling cars directly to consumers, has accused General Motors Co. of being the driving force behind a bill to kick Tesla out of Indiana.
Planners thought most of the $53.5 million earmarked for projects would come from leasing excess space on the state’s 310 cellphone towers. But the Legislative Services Agency estimates those leases will bring $10 million to $12 million over the next 10 years.
Law enforcement agencies in Indiana would be able to withhold body camera video recordings from the public under a measure that has cleared a state Senate committee.
Meth and heroin dealers in Indiana will face harsher penalties if they are convicted and have a criminal history under a bill passed by a state Senate panel Tuesday.
A measure passed on a 38-10 vote would create a 22-member panel to "study alternatives to the ISTEP" and "make recommendations for replacing" the test.
The Indiana Senate has approved a measure banning local governments from taxing or restricting the use of disposable plastic bags by retailers, including grocery stores.
A bill long sought by Hoosiers who were adopted between 1941 and 1994 and denied their birth records passed the Indiana General Assembly on Monday and awaits the signature of Gov. Mike Pence.
Marion Superior Court Judge Heather Welch said plaintiff Mary Price has no right to bring the claim under an Indiana law setting a maximum caseload at 17 and should take her complaint to the State Employee Appeals Commission.
Many school district administrators and Indiana's teachers unions are arguing against a legislative proposal that would give districts the authority to negotiate higher pay with individual teachers.
Indiana would keep its authority to make its own environmental rules after a Senate committee passed an overhaul to a bill that would have let the federal government set all standards.
Sen. Michael Young, who's sponsoring the bill in the Senate, said the fetus provision is needed in light of state regulators’ recent fine against an Indianapolis-based medical waste disposal company that violated its state permit by accepting fetal remains.