Foes of ISTEP bill say it doesn’t protect all schools equally
A bill speeding through the Legislature that would give schools relief from last year’s drop in ISTEP scores won’t offer much protection for the state’s most struggling schools.
A bill speeding through the Legislature that would give schools relief from last year’s drop in ISTEP scores won’t offer much protection for the state’s most struggling schools.
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said Thursday that there's less of a chance that the Legislature will approve civil rights protections for gay and transgender people following comments made by Gov. Mike Pence during his annual State of the State address
A bill sparing Indiana schools from a drop in A-F grades resulting from this year's sharp decline in student ISTEP scores now goes to the full House for consideration after the chamber's education committee approved it Thursday.
A new proposal to lift Indiana's eight decades-old ban on Sunday carryout alcohol sales would impose fewer new restrictions on grocery stores and pharmacies than a bill that failed in the Legislature last year.
Senate Bill 73, making cursive mandatory in schools, passed out of the Education and Career Development committee Wednesday with a 6-4 vote.
Banks support proposed state legislation that could prevent Hoosier homeowners from using a settlement process to avoid foreclosure. But the sponsor of a bill with the controversial provision says he will strike it.
The condition of Indiana's roads has emerged as a major issue. There is a major division among majority Republicans over how to handle the funding, with Pence and the Senate leaders signaling they are at odds with their counterparts in the House.
A proposal to lift Indiana's restrictions on alcohol offenders obtaining handgun licenses would remove one means of protecting victims, an advocate for domestic violence victims told state lawmakers Wednesday.
Indiana state Sen. Jim Arnold has joined seven other state senators to announce he or she is retiring or running for another office.
Indiana lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved bills giving teachers and schools a one-year reprieve from being punished for poor student performance on ISTEP exams.
Gov. Mike Pence’s plan differs sharply with a longer-term plan offered Monday by Indiana House Republicans, who want to raise gasoline and cigarette taxes to boost funding levels for road improvements.
Indiana House Republicans are proposing tax increases to cigarettes and gasoline in their road-funding proposal that's an alternative to a rival plan proposed by Gov. Mike Pence.
Records show Gov. Mike Pence’s campaign received the contribution two days before the Dec. 31 deadline. That helped the campaign raise some $3.5 million during the last half of 2015, while Gregg’s campaign collected nearly $2 million.
Indiana lawmakers will consider a proposal that would throw out the state's Religious Freedom Restoration Act and replace it with a statute its sponsor says aims to protect six fundamental rights.
Expect a laser-like focus on new jobs, an improving economy and planned infrastructure projects in Gov. Mike Pence’s annual State of the State speech.
An Indianapolis woman is advocating for state legislation that would provide property-tax relief for longtime homeowners in designated distressed areas.
At issue is how to balance the goals of having a qualified, impartial bench while giving voters a meaningful role in the process.
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said Gov. Mike Pence and Senate Republicans should embrace a long-term road-funding plan that increases taxes on smokers and motorists.
A GOP state senator has filed a bill that would provide discrimination protections for gay, lesbian and bisexual people, but bows to concerns some have about transgender rights.
Indiana House Public Policy Chairman Tom Dermody of LaPorte said he's working on a bill legalizing Sunday sales that he expects to file next week.