Governor eyes cell tower leases to fund bicentennial projects
The state is looking to raise as much as $50 million from long-term cell tower leases in order to help finance Indiana’s 2016 bicentennial plans.
The state is looking to raise as much as $50 million from long-term cell tower leases in order to help finance Indiana’s 2016 bicentennial plans.
Senate Bill 173, authored by Sen. R. Michael Young, R-Indianapolis, requires the Indiana Department of Correction to establish a specialized vocational program to train minimum-security inmates in trades.
The governor said this will be an "education session" and said his priorities will include changes to the school funding formula and more money for school choice.
Democrats called the legislation a political attack that would let Gov. Mike Pence replace Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz, a Democrat, with his own leader.
In his third State of the State address, Gov. Mike Pence called for a balanced budget amendment that he says will protect Indiana from a possible economic downturn and will show Hoosiers their tax dollars are being spent wisely.
The Senate Agriculture Committee voted 6-0 on Monday for a bill that would require property assessors to use 2011 soil-quality figures in this year's land-value determinations.
Sen. Jim Merritt hopes that his bill would make tax sales a less attractive haven for investors, who he said lack incentives to maintain abandoned and vacant property.
The content and structure of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s State of the State address on Tuesday evening is likely to be similar to years’ past. The audience may not be.
The Indiana Senate's top Democrat on Monday faulted Republican Gov. Mike Pence for not seeking more money in his proposed budget so that the Department of Child Services could hire enough case managers to meet their workload levels.
Senate Bill 249, if passed into law, would ban communities from adopting an ordinance preventing the construction of livestock facilities.
Republicans have rejected Democrats' calls to specify in Indiana's state budget how much money is going toward traditional public schools, charter schools and the private school voucher program.
During Gov. Mike Pence’s third State of the State speech on Tuesday, many will be listening for clues about his plans for the next presidential election.
Incoming Illinois governor Bruce Rauner, who wants to emulate former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels, has named three major players from the Daniels administration to his inner circle.
That money toward Indiana University’s portion of the project is part of $50 million that IU and other schools involved in the project have requested from the state.
The service is a non-emergency telephone help line that assists callers with finding social services.
Even if the Indiana General Assembly approves a funding mechanism for a proposed $87 million downtown soccer stadium for the Indy Eleven—which is no sure thing—hurdles would remain. For starters: where to build it.
The governor delivers his State of the State Address on Jan. 13. He will lay out his legislative agenda in greater detail than in December pronouncements that education would take precedence this session, in terms of both cash and policy.
Rep. John Price of Greenwood's bill would revise a law that bans the I-69 extension from passing through Marion County's Perry Township.
Modest increases in overall education spending, more money for financial aid and small increases for state universities are highlights of the budget plan Gov. Mike Pence's administration is presenting Thursday to lawmakers.
Last year, a new law scuttled Indiana’s program for reducing energy use statewide. Gov. Mike Pence’s alternative would allow energy companies to set their own targets.