Price tag for Walmart e-commerce center to hit $102M
The retailer has finalized a contract for state incentives on the 1.1 million-square-foot project, pledging to hire 303 workers by the end of 2015.
The retailer has finalized a contract for state incentives on the 1.1 million-square-foot project, pledging to hire 303 workers by the end of 2015.
The latest accounting error at the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles left the agency asking some drivers Monday to return excessive refunds they've received after being overcharged on excise taxes when registering their vehicles.
Longtime President Pat Kiely will retire July 1, the group announced Monday morning. In line to replace him is Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Brian Burton.
Pence opened last week by calling his decision to drop a food-stamp waiver "ennobling" for the poor and capped it with a call for legal action to block Obama's immigration changes.
Indiana added 5,500 private-sector jobs in October with modest bumps in manufacturing and the trade, transportation and utilities sector.
Indiana's governor called Obama's plan to impose new policies on his own “an unacceptable end run around the democratic process” that “must be reversed.”
A standard-bearer of public-private partnerships since former Gov. Mitch Daniels’ toll road lease, Indiana might be turning away from at least one form of the P3s.
BMV spokesman Josh Gillespie said the $19.2 million represents about 2 percent of the total excise tax revenue that counties normally receive over a two-year period.
Indiana Inspector General David Thomas is asking for improved disclosure and ethics rules for state officials in the wake of a trio of Statehouse scandals.
Doris Tolliver, the agency's chief of staff, told the State Budget Committee on Wednesday that only one of its 19 regions is meeting the workload standards for case workers.
A former executive with a company once in the running to manage an Amtrak line between Indianapolis and Chicago said the company lacked financing and experience.
Republican legislative leaders want to restore their credibility among Indiana teachers with proposals they say will mean more money for education and drive more dollars into classrooms and away from administration.
Republican Kelly Mitchell has taken office early as Indiana's state treasurer to fill the final weeks of Richard Mourdock's term.
House Speaker Brian Bosma said he’s thinking about whether to pursue legislation to make the state superintendent of public instruction an appointed rather than elected position.
Federal officials have approved a renewal of Indiana's Medicaid-covered health saving accounts for low-income residents through next year.
The Indiana Chamber of Commerce wants the state schools superintendent to be appointed by the governor in 2016, setting the stage for another acrimonious education battle.
Thousands of Hoosiers who are buying health coverage through a federal insurance exchange could face confusing changes if Indiana gets permission to offer its own program sometime next year.
Democrats will have to pick their battles and Republicans will have to continue showing they can lead in order for their respective parties to win in 2016, the state's party chairmen say.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence should run for president because “he’s got the record and got the experience” to be a strong candidate in 2016, conservative media mogul Steve Forbes said Thursday.
A panel of Indiana lawmakers is recommending the state eliminate the business equipment tax for small businesses.