
Pence goes on air with $1.4M in ads in governor’s race

Pence has not only hit the airwaves first, but he has hit them three times, with a series of touchy-feely pieces detailing his courtship with his wife, his history growing up in Indiana and a devastating storm which struck his hometown of Columbus.

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Man’s lawsuit claims Indiana agency broke law

A decision by Indiana's social services agency to stop helping hundreds of severely developmentally disabled people in a Medicaid waiver program pay for food violates state law, the father of an autistic man on public assistance claims.

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Indiana awaits ruling before starting health exchange

Indiana has spent the past year and a half planning for its own health insurance exchange in case the U.S. Supreme Court upholds President Barack Obama's health care law, but the state still could end up being forced into the federal exchange.

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Pence wants moratorium on new business regulations

Mike Pence said that if elected governor, he’ll issue an executive order against new regulations and ask his budget office to review existing rules to ensure they use the least-costly approach and aren’t burdensome to job-creation efforts.

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