
Indiana basketball tourney format to get second look

A state Senate committee rejected an effort Wednesday to resurrect Indiana's single-class high school basketball tournament, but the head of the statewide high school athletics governing body agreed to review the current format.

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State sentencing overhaul to take another year

Legislators stung last year by county prosecutors who opposed a sweeping plan to overhaul Indiana’s criminal sentencing scheme won’t push the issue this year. Sheriffs now are worried that an attempt to reduce crowding in state prisons could aggravate overpopulation in their jails.

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Indiana county leaders worried over 911 funding

County officials across Indiana scrambling to find money to pay for 911 emergency services say they aren't confident of getting help from state legislators, who might be leery of boosting cellphone fees during an election year.

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Indiana House panel backs smoking-ban bill

The House health committee voted 9-3 in favor of the bill Wednesday after adding an exemption for retail tobacco shops. The bill would prohibit smoking in most public places and workplaces, including bars.

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