I-465 renamed USS Indianapolis Memorial Highway
The interstate loop around Indianapolis was formally renamed for the cruiser sunk in shark-infested waters of the Pacific Ocean during the closing days of World War II.
The interstate loop around Indianapolis was formally renamed for the cruiser sunk in shark-infested waters of the Pacific Ocean during the closing days of World War II.
A spokesman for the Indiana Department of Homeland Security said neither the fire marshal nor Homeland Security officials conduct inspections. And the city does not have the authority to inspect items on state property.
The governor says he wants to see the percentage of adult Hoosiers who smoke drop to 20 percent by the end of his term. A recent report put the state's smoking rate at a historic low of 21.1 percent.
Gov. Mitch Daniels said precautions were taken before the storm, but no one could have foreseen such a strong gust focused in one place.
The law that took effect July 1 states that "public assistance" for postsecondary education is only available to U.S. residents or "qualified aliens."
The slow economy is hurting progress on an endowment that would help pro bono lawyers repay debt.
Indiana's 142-mile extension of Interstate 69 between Indianapolis and Evansville will siphon hundreds of millions of dollars away from other road and bridge projects in coming years, according to a report from an environmental group.
Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller said more than 1,300 Hoosiers are eligible for restitution from United Financial Systems Corp. in the wake of a court ruling against the Indianapolis-based company. The company also faces at least two class-action lawsuits.
The federal deal targets "discretionary funding," which is where a good chunk of the roughly $9 billion the state collects from the federal government each year falls.
City and county officials across Indiana are starting to wrestle with how they'll deal with the state's plan to recoup roughly $610 million it overpaid local governments for income taxes it expected to collect.
Lobby prepares new pitch for next legislative session.
Republican Mike Pence is looking at ways to cut Indiana income tax rates across the board if elected governor next year.
The new budget year is off to a good start for Indiana’s state government with about $23 million more in tax revenue coming in than expected.
Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White has hired former Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi as his lead defense attorney in his fight against voter fraud charges.
Former Indiana House Speaker John Gregg said Tuesday he would focus on rejuvenating the state's manufacturing base if he is elected governor next November.
Indiana asked a federal appeals court Monday to lift a judge's order blocking parts of a new abortion law that cuts some public Planned Parenthood funding, saying the issue should be decided by Medicaid officials and not the courts.
The Indiana Housing Community and Development Authority said in June it would not give Planned Parenthood grant money due to a new state law that blocks funding to the organization because it provides abortions.
Indiana’s Mitch Daniels has gone from considering a run for president to finishing out his second and last term as governor.
The state would be able to draw down its $1.2 billion cash reserves and lean on money from the $3.8 billion Indiana Toll Road lease to carry it for a few months until the federal government came up with a plan, according to Budget Director Adam Horst.
Indiana Democrats on Thursday appealed a decision allowing embattled Republican Secretary of State Charlie White to stay in office while he fights voter fraud charges.