Daniels leads guvs’ health-care revolt
Boy does Gov. Mitch Daniels have an ultimatum for President Obama: Wave off the health reform law or else I’ll do nothing to help while it wreaks havoc on Hoosier citizens.
Boy does Gov. Mitch Daniels have an ultimatum for President Obama: Wave off the health reform law or else I’ll do nothing to help while it wreaks havoc on Hoosier citizens.
A controversial bill in the Indiana Senate would make it easier for utilities to quickly bill ratepayers for proposed nuclear and other clean-energy projects.
Legislators are moving ahead with a plan to cut Indiana's corporate income tax by about 40 percent while holding off on phasing out the state inheritance tax.
Districts would finance solar panels and other clean-energy projects through special tax levies on participating properties.
Indiana teachers are planning a rally at the Statehouse to support public education and denounce proposals backed by Republicans who control the House and Senate.
The Indiana General Assembly has passed its first bill of the 2011 legislative session: a proposal to allow any Indiana county to use centralized vote centers instead of neighborhood polling precincts.
The House Ways and Means Committee began taking public testimony Monday about the two-year state budget plan after four weeks of hearings with state agencies and universities.
Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Indiana are resuming their push for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
State Rep. Cindy Noe, R-Indianapolis, wants to stop schools from using public money and bar school employees from campaigning for referendums that would raise property taxes.
The growing popularity of the 21st Century Scholars program and the state’s recession-driven budget bind has state officials looking to tighten up both the academic and financial requirements.
Indiana shoppers would be able to buy a six-pack of beer or a new car on Sundays if state Sen. Phil Boots is successful in rolling back two of the few remaining blue laws still in effect in Indiana.
Police officers at Indiana colleges and universities could have the same authority as city and county officers under a bill introduced in the General Assembly.
The Ronald Reagan Centennial Celebration is scheduled for Feb. 10 at the Indiana Statehouse. The celebration is part of events nationwide celebrating Reagan's life.
Physicians, dentists, nurses, veterinarians, pharmacists and other medical workers would have to pay for a national criminal background check when applying for a state license under a bill pending with the Indiana Senate.
Indiana's popular 21st Century Scholars program that provides full college scholarships to needy students who stay out of trouble would have stiffer requirements under a proposal approved Thursday by a legislative committee.
Once in a legislative blue moon, a bill will zip through the labyrinthine process with alacrity.
Ellettsville Democrat Vi Simpson wants to create an income-tax credit for gifts to public-school foundations, which could compete with one that’s already available for private-school scholarships.
The Indiana House approved a bill Thursday to revise a much-ridiculed state law requiring everyone buying alcohol to show identification regardless of their age.
The Census Bureau said Wednesday it will provide summaries of population totals, as well as data on race and voting age for multiple areas within the state such as census tracts, voting districts, cities, counties and school districts.
So far this fiscal year, collections are ahead of the state's forecast by $78 million, or 1.1 percent.